Saturday, March 30, 2024

There are no ism, socialism, communism or liberalism,, no democracy or aristocracy.. when death stares us on our faces.

Remember the story of a running bus on whose roof a high tension electric cable without insulation just broke and fell..
There were many passengers and they faced the danger of sure electrocution.The bus had insulation by way of its rubber tyres and hence, the passengers inside the bus were safe from getting electrocuted at least till there was no contact with the earth.
The conducter of the bus knew about it and he requested the passengers not to move, and asked them to stay put in their seats until the power supply was cut off.
Everyone obeyed..
But one old fellow got irritated, and became abusive, and finally, without listening to the warning shouts from all, walked out of the bus..
The moment the old dude touched the ground the high power circuit got closed.. and all in the bus, and the old dude too got severe shock, severe burns and died too
This is the situation we face in the epoch of corona too
We are asked to insulate ourselves at our own homes because danger is looming large over our heads
And even if everyone is careful, if some idiot is careless and is raring in himself to disobey, then he can kill all others too
We have to immobilize such fellows, even if that would mean use of force, sticks, stone or even weapons..
There are no ism, socialism, communism or liberalism,, no democracy or aristocracy.. when death stares us on our faces.

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