Tuesday, March 19, 2024

यशस्विनो रणाश्वमेधे पशुतामुपागताः

तपस्विभिर्या सुचिरेण लभ्यते प्रयत्नतः सत्रिभिरिष्यते च या।
 प्रयान्ति तामाशुगतिं यशस्विनो रणाश्वमेधे पशुतामुपागताः॥ 
काव्यप्रकाशे॥ इन्द् स्प्रुचे २४९४
tapasvibhiryā sucireṇa labhyate prayatnataḥ satribhiriṣyate ca yā|
 prayānti tāmāśugatiṁ yaśasvino raṇāśvamedhe paśutāmupāgatāḥ|| kāvyaprakāśe||
 ind spruce 2494
A person who meets honourable death and martyrdom, just by being the participant offering in the great sacrifice of war or armed combat in defence of his own state attains eternal glory and divine merits so easily far more than what a saint undergoing long drawn out penance and austerities or persons who perform huge yajnas and sacrifice in pursuit of glory.

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