Tuesday, March 19, 2024

पुरुषकारेण विना दैवं न सिद्ध्यति

यथा ह्येकेन चक्रेण न रथस्य गतिर्भवेत्।
तथा पुरुषकारेण विना दैवं न सिद्ध्यति॥
yathā hyekena cakreṇa na rathasya gatirbhavet|
tathā puruṣakāreṇa vinā daivaṁ na siddhyati||
A very useful reminder from Hitopadesham.
Just as a chariot cannot move around in its proper direction with a single wheel the endeavours and projects embarked upon through human efforts alone would not bear fruit.. unless such actions are supported by luck or serendipity..
Of course, the first prerequisite for the success of any project is the sincere human effort..
And such effort can come from the one who starts the project..
But the parameters that could clinch the issue in our favour are too many and too varied..
And except for hard work and application of our own resources, we have practically no control over the external factors..
Even an apparently insignificant glitch somewhere can just turn the tables against us..
And in many attempts, there is a stiff contest among many who try in the same direction..
And the winner takes everything,, and the runner up has nothing..
We see that happening in elections, recruitment for job, in sports.. and so on..
So at least in the last lap of success, we need some support.. from luck or God.. or whatever one can call that X factor..
It is not to say that if one is lucky, he can achieve anything without any effort..
Fortune would favour only the people who are ready to toil..
Of course, some say fortune favours the fools.. but that must be a short time phenomenon..
We can be sure about the first wheel..that we have to be.. and we have just to be optimistic about the other wheel..
Regards, Have a nice day
K v ananthanarayanan

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