Wednesday, March 20, 2024

चत्वारि कर्माण्यभयंकराणि भयं प्रयच्छन्त्ययथाकृतानि

चत्वारि कर्माण्यभयंकराणि भयं प्रयच्छन्त्ययथाकृतानि।
मानाग्निहोत्रमुत मानमौनं मानेनाधीतमुत मानयज्ञः॥२२३३ ८९२ इन्द् स्प्र् महाभारते
catvāri karmāṇyabhayaṁkarāṇi bhayaṁ prayacchantyayathākṛtāni|
mānāgnihotramuta mānamaunaṁ mānenādhītamuta mānayajñaḥ||2233 892 ind spr mahābhārate
Periodic oblations to fire through Agnihotram, vow of silence, thorough leraning of sciences and scriptures and performance of yagas and yajnas are four sureshot paths that offer an exalted, worriless and fearless life to human beings. But if these are performed by a person to show off his pride, self importance and arrogance, then they are to be considered performed withouut genuine sincerity and therefore instead of giving relief from fear and worries such performances will only become sources of terrible worry and fear.
This is from mahabharatham.

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