Wednesday, March 20, 2024

पङ्गो वन्द्यस्त्वमसि न गृहं यासि योऽर्थी परेषां

पङ्गो वन्द्यस्त्वमसि न गृहं यासि योऽर्थी परेषां
धन्योऽन्धस्त्वं धनमदवतां नेक्षसे यन्मुखानि।
श्लाघ्यो मूक त्वमसि कृपणं स्तौषि नार्थाशय यः
स्तोतव्यस्त्वं बधिर न वचो यः खलानां शृणोषि॥सरस्वतीकण्ठाभरणे॥
paṅgo vandyastvamasi na gṛhaṁ yāsi yo'rthī pareṣāṁ
dhanyo'ndhastvaṁ dhanamadavatāṁ nekṣase yanmukhāni|
ślāghyo mūka tvamasi kṛpaṇaṁ stauṣi nārthāśaya yaḥ
stotavyastvaṁ badhira na vaco yaḥ khalānāṁ śṛṇoṣi||sarasvatīkaṇṭhābharaṇe||
Oh friend with restricted foot movemnts, you are indeed lucky because you cannot walk from door to door begging from reluctant donors
Oh my dear friend whose eyes could not see, you are indeed blessed because you cannot see the sour faces of the fellows who are drunk with arrogance about their affluence.
Oh my friend who is not able to talk because vocal impairments, you deserve all praise because you would never venture to shower hollow praise on anyone just for getting some cash
Oh my fried who cannot hear, I have to congratulate you aloud because you are not in a position to listen to the bad words of dirty fellow.
This slokam is not in any way intended to exaggerate in anyway or look down upon the physical deformities of our own brothers . Maybe even misfortunes have their greener sides.

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