Thursday, March 21, 2024

क्षन्तव्यं जगदीश तद्विकलता दोषत्रयं मत्कृतम्

रूपं रूपविवर्जितस्य भवतो ध्यानेन यत्कल्पितं
स्तुत्यानिर्वचनीयताखिलगुरो दूरीकृता यन्मया।
व्यापित्वञ्च निराकृतं भगवतो यत्तीर्थयात्रादिना
क्षन्तव्यं जगदीश तद्विकलता दोषत्रयं मत्कृतम्।।
Oh the Supreme Lord (Shankara) I have been assigning or imagining about some shape or form for you during my deep meditations, even though you are formless and beyond all forms.
Oh the Supreme Lord, I have been trying to describe you, praise you and have been giving descriptions about your activities fully knowing that you are beyond all descriptions and definitions and that all definitions and praises would fall short of your glory
Oh Surpreme Lord, I have been trying to wander around on the surface of the earch searching for shrines and waterfronts where you remain consecrated, while all the time I was aware that you are present everywhere, your presence in universal and unlimited.
My master, my perception about you have been completely defective and full of misconception threefold as above. I have tried to perceive you the limitless one, with your all encompassing and universal presence in a very restricted manner.
I beseech your indulgence that I may be pardoned for the three mistakes.
This is a statement attributed to Adi Shankara, Acharya Swamikal, before He finally left for the Supreme State in the Higher peaks of Himalayas.

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