Thursday, March 21, 2024

Often, too often, we tend to forget this.

Often, too often, we tend to forget this.
We have to remind ourselves that we have too many limitations.
Perhaps we are programmed in such a way that we think that the physical and mental capacities, though limited, as bestowed on us, by that Infinite, Omnipotent being are our own and we can use them at our own will
But the remote control is with Him..
If He pushes a button we become blank..
However, let us work for the best of all of us, within the limitations provided by Him
Our capacities and wisdom,
our arrogance and self assurance,
all work only when sanctioned by Him..
We are too blind to see and feel His presence..
In spite of constant Remiders.
When deluge comes, the height of water whether it is one feet, one metre or one mile above our heads, rarely matters.
But the only helping hand can come from that Infinite being Krishna..
Be Merciful, Krishna, Protect us, Krishna
Where else can we turn for help
Vaidyo Narayan HariH
വൈദ്യോ നാരായണോ ഹരിഃ
வைத்யோ நாராயணோ ஹரி
वैद्यो नारायणो हरिः
कृष्ण कारुण्य सिन्धो..

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