Saturday, March 23, 2024

हिरण्यवर्णाः शुचयः पावकाः

हिरण्यवर्णाः शुचयः पावकाः यासु जातः कश्यपो यास्विन्द्रः अग्निं या गर्भं दधिरे विरूपाः ता नः आपः शगंस्योना भवन्तु
hiraṇyavarṇāḥ śucayaḥ pāvakāḥ yāsu jātaḥ kaśyapo yāsvindraḥ agniṁ yā garbhaṁ dadhire virūpāḥ tā naḥ āpaḥ śagṁsyonā bhavantu
Today is the World Water day..
A quote from PavamanaSooktham.. Krishna Yajurvedam
May the waters
which are of sparkling colour
which are by nature pure
which are capable of purifying everything
in which the father of Devas, Kashyapa was born
in which Indra the leader of Gods was born
who carried fire in its womb and delivered it
who have no specific shape,
may those waters
bless us with peace and welfare..
Meaning of waters carrying fire in their womb...
We have seen the marsh gas fire eruption... the plants and vegetation decay under water and produce methane which bubbles up the surface of the waters and catches fire..
This gives the impression that water is giving birth to fire..(Will o the wisp)
There is a story of Badava agni.. in Hindu Lore..
Once fire broke out from the third eye of Lord Shankara, and the world started burning to ashes ..
To avoid annihilation of the world by fire, Brahma under the Gracious instruction of the Lord Himself, converted this fire into a horse called Badava, and the horse was driven down to the bottom of the ocean and the God of the Ocean Varuna was asked to keep the horse restrained there..
The fire we use on earth came out from that horse, when he peeped out to see the land area..
Even by the standards of modern science water is the source of fire through the most virulent fuel Hydrogen and the most potent combustion agent Oxygen being the components of water..

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