Saturday, March 23, 2024

जाह्नवीतीरसंभूतां मृदं मूर्ध्ना बिभर्ति यः

जाह्नवीतीरसंभूतां मृदं मूर्ध्ना बिभर्ति यः।
बिभर्ति रूपं सोऽर्कस्य तमोनाशाय निर्मलम्॥
जाह्नवीपुलिनोत्थापि सिकताभिः समुक्षितम्।
आत्मानं मन्यते लोको दिविष्ठमिव शोभितम्॥ महाभारते
jāhnavītīrasaṁbhūtāṁ mṛdaṁ mūrdhnā bibharti yaḥ|
bibharti rūpaṁ so'rkasya tamosnāśāya nirmalam||
jāhnavīpulinotthāpi sikatābhiḥ samukṣitam|
ātmānaṁ manyate loko diviṣṭhamiva śobhitam|| mahābhārate
When a person wears on his head the mud available in the banks of Jaahnavi the Ganga, then his form transforms into a pure and flawless shape like that of the remover of Darkness, Sun himself.
When the dust and sand arising in the banks of Jahnavi the Ganga covers the body of a person he would develop the feel that he has transcended himself into a shining Divine being.

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