Friday, March 29, 2024

परोपकारिणः सेव्याः निर्धना अपि ते जनाः

सर्वसहा ये ऋजवः प्रतिज्ञानार्थपालकाः।
परोपकारिणः सेव्याः निर्धना अपि ते जनाः॥
सुभाषितरत्नभाण्डागारे ॥
sarvasahā ye ṛjavaḥ pratijñānārthapālakāḥ|
paropakāriṇaḥ sevyāḥ nirdhanā api te janāḥ||
A very matter of fact subhashitam from the treasury of great sayings in Sanskrit..
The company of people with the following qualities should be cultivated,, even if such people are not having any money or status
1. Those who are prepared to tolerate and understand
2. Those who are honest and straightforward
3. Those who would stick on to the promises given by them.. both in words and in spirit
4. Those who are basically inclined to help others
The subhashitam is too straightforward.. We know the contents instinctively.. But most often we cultivate only the rich and influential.. that is human nature..

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