Friday, March 29, 2024

यदि नात्मनि पुत्रेषु न चेत्पुत्रेषु नप्तृषु


यदि नात्मनि पुत्रेषु न चेत्पुत्रेषु नप्तृषु।
न हि पापं कृतं कर्म सद्यः फलति गौरिव॥
इन्दिश्चे स्प्रूचे 5219 महाभारते

yadi nātmani putreṣu na cetputreṣu naptṛṣu|
na hi pāpaṁ kṛtaṁ karma sadyaḥ phalati gauriva||
indiśce sprūce 5219 mahābhārate

If the consequences of the sins committed by you do not visit you immediately, that need not give sense of relief. The retribution will come later to your children, and even to your grandchildren or great grandchildre.. similar to the land which is sown with seeds.. it may not yield crops immediately, but the seed with germinate and the plant would grow and give yield in due course.

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