Friday, March 29, 2024

विनाशनम् श्रियः

असत्यता निष्ठुरताकृतज्ञता भयं प्रमादोऽलसता विषादिता।
वृथाभिमानो ह्यतिदीर्घसूत्रिता तथाङ्गनाक्षादि विनाशनम् श्रियः॥
इन्द् स्प्रुचे७५० २७५ कामान्धकीय नीतिसार
asatyatā niṣṭhuratākṛtajñatā bhayaṁ pramādo'lasatā viṣāditā|
vṛthābhimāno hyatidīrghasūtritā tathāṅganākṣādi vināśanam śriyaḥ||
ind spruce750 275 kāmāndhakīya nītisāra
According to Kaamaandhakeeya Neeti a celebrated treatise on right and proper living, the following flaws and setbacks found in a person can cause serious damage and destruction to his prosperity, wealth and welfare.
The issues listed are
1. Lack of truthfulness
2. Extreme cruelty
3. Absence of gratitude
4. Habit of being afraid or apprehensive of anyting and everyting
5. Lack of mental orientation and proper thinking
6. Laziness
7. Tendency to be morose and depressed
8. Misplaced sense of self importance and arrogance
9. Tendency to procrastinate or to find excuse for delaying actions
10. Wayward romantic activities and tendency to gamble.

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