Monday, March 25, 2024

Finish off the enemy with surgical precision.


न तत्तरेद्यस्य पारमुत्तरेन्न्नतद्धरेद्यत्पुनराहरेत्परः। नतद्खनेद्यस्य न मूलमुद्धरेन्न तं हन्न्याद्यस्य शिरो न पातयेत्॥महाभारते इन्दिश्चे स्प्र्रुचे ३२५२ २३७२

na tattaredyasya pāramuttarennnataddharedyatpunarāhatyetparaḥ| natadkhanedyasya na mūlamuddharenna taṁ hannyādyasya śiro na pātayet|ṁahābhārate indiśce sprruce 3252 2372

A very practical and sensible advice from Mahabharatham.. When you embark on a mission, ensure that you complete it thoroughly and completely. Leave behind no uncertainties, no more small jobs yet to be completed. If you cannot start a project with some definite result in sight, it is better not to start it at alI.
While crossing a stream or riven by ferry, you must make sure that there is every chance to reach the other bank, the destination. Do not start the journey if you are not sure about the destination and the safety there.
In wars, and in adventurous expeditions, the attacking or prospecting team would use force and capture valuables from some other persons, maybe enemies or adversaries, who are in possession of some treasures. If the final success in the fight or expedition is not complete, the adversaries might fight back once again and re-capture the booty. The advice here is that one should try to take possession of the treasures only after ensuring that the opposite party will not have strenght to recapture it.

The earth contains so many hidden materials. Some deposits might represent treasure. Some maaterials underneath the surface of earth might bring in dangers and calamities if you try to dig them out. Therefore, if you are on a mining expedition and are starting to dig, do dig in places where you can be sure that you can go down upto the bottom of the deposit, to the root of the mineral deposit and could take out all that you can. If you leave the digging in the middle, there can be trouble.*
And finally, when an enemy is struck down in war, the victor should ensure that the subjugation is complete and final. One can ensure that the enemy soldier is defeated and killed if the head of the enemy is pushed to ground and cut off. The real fighter should not leave the enemy half-dead and half-alive. Finish him off, take off his head.. That is the advise.
Actually the above slokam occurs during a discussion about Raja Dharma.. Politics among nations. The discussion is by way of advise from Bheehsma to Yudhistira.
The golden advice is that nothing should be left to chance, in the matter of State. All possible caution should be exercised before starting an operation. One has to be ruthless against enemies. Interests of own state alone matters. Finish off the enemy with surgical precision.

यस्य whose पारं other bank उत्तरेत् navigate to तत् that न तरेत् should not be attempted to ferry यद् परः which the enemy पुनः again आहरेत् capture back तत् that न हरेत् should not be attempted to be captured. यस्य मूलं whose root न उद्धरेत् not picked up completely तद् that न खनेत् should not be dug यस्य whose शिरो head न पातयेत् cannot be removed and brought to ground तं न हन्यात् you should not attempt to kill.

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