Friday, April 05, 2024

A marriage wish from Atharvavedam

A marriage wish from Atharvavedam
इहेवामिन्द्र सं नुत चक्रवाकेव दम्पती। प्रजयर्नौ स्वस्तकौ विश्वमायुर्व्यश्नुताम्।
It is a mantram kandam 14 ch 2 mantram 64 of Atharvana Veda,
The prayer is addressed to Indra.. The newly married couple are presented before Indra.. And it is prayed
Lord Indra... Please join together this married couple for ever in deep bond of affection as if they are a pair of Chakravaka birds.
May they live for a very long period, being blessed with children and grandchildren, may they enjoy robust health and great position is life for ever, and may they have a long long period of marital bliss of togetherness..
(Chakravaka birds are famed to be faithful to their mates..They never change partner. They would prefer to die rather than choosing another partner if one partner departs)
first line
इन्द्र Indra
इह एव here itself
इमौ दम्पती this couple
चक्रवाकेव like chakravaka birds
संनुत bring together
(Indra imau dampathee chkravaka iva sam nuta )
indra bless this couple to be as happy together as a chakravaka couple.
Second line
इमौ these two
प्रजयनौ having lot of children
स्वस्तकौ living with health and peace
विश्वं huge, long
आयुः life
व्यश्नुताम् may spend
The couple may live a long life with lot of children health and peace.
( Imau prjanayau svastakau vishvam AayuH vyashnutaam)

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