Friday, April 05, 2024

असावादित्यो ब्रह्म। ब्रह्मैवाहमस्मि

Here's a small question to all of us:
असावादित्यो ब्रह्म। ब्रह्मैवाहमस्मि।। ध्यानम्।।
This we do at the end of Poorva Sandhya, before Deva Tarpanam to start the Uttara Sandhya.
What are we doing and why?
A question to every Brahmin ladies and gentlemen
: some one askedthis question
can u clarify?

My answer
We are offering arghyam or water oblation to Sun with gayatri.mantram.
three times in the morning and evening and two times in the midday.
The arghyam is to add strength to Savita or soorya who is fighting an unending battle with a group of demons called Mandehas.
The Sun gains more and more strength as we offer more and more water through arghyam during sandhyavandhanam.
He defeats the mandehas before he sets.. but they are born again the next morning to resume the fight. The war continues for ever and we provide ammunition to Sun three times a day during sandhya.
So we have to offer arghyam on all days three times a day.. without interruption.
A part of us is fighting for the continued existence of the Sun.
We equate the sun to the Supreme Brahmam ..and we meditate upon him saying that this sun is the supreme brahmam and the supreme brahmam is the only truth and I the one who offers the atghyam too am that supreme brahman.
असौ आदित्यः ब्रह्म ब्रह्म एव सत्यं ब्रह्म एव अहं अस्मि
Some omit ब्रह्म एव सत्यं but that is only a ritualistic variation.
The advaitins see the jeevatma in them and the paramatma in the supreme as the same brahmam.
The vishishtaadvaitins see jeevatma as almost equal to paramatma but having some qualified limitations when they occupy the body of the jeeva. Both together constitute brahma.
The dwaitins see jeevatma as a servant to paramatma but both together constitute brahma.
Anyway for all there is communion of jeevatma and paramatma..the supreme soul and the individual soul..and the communion is the ultimate truth.
Asaavadityo.. just reveals this truth

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