Saturday, April 20, 2024

Before cutting a twig from a Vanaspathi or a tree which is of great longevity

Before cutting a twig of about ten inches from a Vanaspathi..
or a tree which is of great longevity,
which gives out lots of fruits but the flowering may not be evident..
when the twig is cut from that tree for cleaning the teeth in the morning
Bodhayana the great sage and lawgiver prescribes the following prayer
आयुर्बलं यशो वर्चः प्रजां पशुवसूनि च ब्रह्मप्रज्ञां च मेधां च त्वं नो देहि वनस्पते॥
āyurbalaṁ yaśo varcaḥ prajāṁ paśuvasūni ca brahmaprajñāṁ ca medhāṁ ca tvaṁ no dehi vanaspate||
Oh Vanaspathi.. may you be pleased to bless me with long life, strenght of body, spiritual resplendence, progenies, cattle, wealth, knowledge on the supreme being, and sharp intellect..
So we considered a tree as almost a storehouse of everything that is great, and a benevolent divinity whose blessings are essential for us..We are apologetic even to cut a twig from it..
How can we think of cutting trees..
No that was not in our culture..

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