Saturday, April 20, 2024

musings 284

Often, when I give a lot of quotations from Sanskrit, the readers get the wrong impression that I am a deeply ritual -bound persons..
I am a believer, and my faith in God is absolute..
Though to give a name to god, I would call Him Krishna, I have no ideas as to what is the name, form, shape or status of God,
I do not know whether God has any religion, or God is something that is described in Vedas, Puranas, Epics, Bible, Holy Qran, Grantha Guru or Avesta ..
To have faith in God, any such text is not essential in any way
I do not know whether God is benevolent, is not so benevolent or is simply neutral
The only presumption, though unsubstantiated, that I adhere to, is that God is good, kind, and is partial towards what is good and what is just..
I do not mind being called a fanatic on account of that belief
What I wanted to tell here is that though I quote from texts which describe rituals and try to interpret such rituals in the way they are stated there, it need not be presumed either that I am a votary of such rituals or that I perform those rituals in a very strict manner
Even an atheist professor of Sanskrit might be a teacher of Bhakti yogam of Bhagavat Gita.. and he would do it faithfully if he is worth his salt
I simply love and respect the nobility, the inherent island of Goodness in every human being.. I do not even claim that I have any such island within me
And I just write about what I honestly feel is good for me and others too
No desire for either praise and no worry against criticism too
No desire for any popularity, praise or approbation..
I may be mad, looney, or lunatic.. but that is what I am..

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