Tuesday, April 09, 2024

इत्येतत्सर्वं निष्फलं भवति

मन्त्रिणा विना राज्यं
धान्यं विना दुर्गं
कारुण्यं विना सौभाग्यं
ज्ञानं विना वैराग्यं
दुर्जनानां शक्तिः
पाषण्डानां मतिः
खलानां मैत्री
पराधीनस्य स्वातन्त्र्यं
सेवकस्य कोपं
मूर्खाणां सङ्गतिः
इत्येतत्सर्वं निष्फलं भवति
mantriṇā vinā rājyaṁ
dhānyaṁ vinā durgaṁ
kāruṇyaṁ vinā saubhāgyaṁ
jñānaṁ vinā vairāgyaṁ
durjanānāṁ śaktiḥ
pāṣaṇḍānāṁ matiḥ
khalānāṁ maitrī
parādhīnasya svātantryaṁ
sevakasya kopaṁ
mūrkhāṇāṁ saṅgatiḥ
ityetatsarvaṁ niṣphalaṁ bhavati
A quote from the Vikramarka or Vikramanka charitra or Bilhana..
A country or kingdom without wise ministers
A fort without adequate stock of foodgrains
Affluence and physical attractiveness without kindness and concern for others
Renunciation without proper knowledge and insight
Raw power in the hands of bad people
The intellect and rhetorics of religious bigots
Friendship with wicked men who pose as good
The freedom to move and work given to slaves
Show of pomp by an indigent or poor person
Show of anger by a menial or servant
Company with idiots
All these are of no use at all. They will yield nothing . If at all many of these situations can cause destruction or embarrassment and loss
The words speak for themselves.. No explanation seems to be necessary.. And if one starts explaining, one can write a thesis on each issue..

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