Tuesday, April 09, 2024

that imp Krishna

गोवत्सबालैः शिशुकाकपक्षं बध्नन्तमंभोजदलायताक्षम्।
उवाच माता चिबुकम् गृहीत्वा गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति॥
बिल्वमङ्गलस्य गोविन्द दामोदर स्तोत्रात्--
govatsabālaiḥ śiśukākapakṣaṁ badhnantamaṁbhojadalāyatākṣam|
uvāca mātā cibukam gṛhītvā govinda dāmodara mādhaveti||
bilvamaṅgalasya govinda dāmodara stotrāt--
That imp Krishna
though He has beautiful and innocent eyes resembling two lotus petals in full bloom
while playing with children of his own age and also calves of gokulam,
is trying to tie the tail of a a calf and the locks of a small boy together,
and watching the fun..
Yashodha, seeing this is holding the cheek of Krishna as if pinching it as a punishment for his naughtiness and is calling out
Govinda, Damodar Madhava
यशोदया गाढमुलूखलेन गोकण्ठपाशेन निबध्यमानः।
रुरोद मन्दं नवनीतभोजी गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति॥
बिल्वमङ्गलस्य गोविन्द दामोदर स्तोत्रात्--
yaśodayā gāḍhamulūkhalena gokaṇṭhapāśena nibadhyamānaḥ|
ruroda mandaṁ navanītabhojī govinda dāmodara mādhaveti||
bilvamaṅgalasya govinda dāmodara stotrāt--
The naughty boy, was being tied very tightly by mother Yashodha to a big mortar with a rope used for tying the neck and nostril of a cow. Yasodha had touched the bottom mark of her patience after suffering all HIs pranks..
And with a mouth full of stolen butter and munching that butter slowly, the boy cried, (or pretended to cry ) calling out
Govinda Damodara Madhava
Funnily the devotee poet here is visualizing that that black naughty urchin Krishna himself was calling out His own holy names..
What an imagination..
What an imagery.
maybe the poet is right
.Krishna's name perhaps is even mightier that Krishna Himself..
अङ्गाधिरूढं शिशुगोपगूढम् स्तनम् धयन्तं कमलैककान्तम्।
संबोधयामास मुदा यशोदा गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति॥
बिल्वमङ्गलस्य गोविन्द दामोदर स्तोत्रात्--
aṅgādhirūḍhaṁ śiśugopagūḍham stanam dhayantaṁ kamalaikakāntam|
saṁbodhayāmāsa mudā yaśodā govinda dāmodara mādhaveti ||
bilvamaṅgalasya govinda dāmodara stotrāt--
The master of the Universe,
the sole master and the heart-throb of the Goddes of wealth, Kamala the Laksmi has secretly appeared as a child in the house of a cowherd and is happily sucking the breast of Yasodha..
That mother enjoying the most supreme happiness is calling out
Govinda Narayana Madhava
उलूखले सम्भृत तण्डुलांश्च संघट्टयन्त्यौ मुसलैः प्रमुग्धाः।
गायन्ति गोप्यो जनितानुरागा गोविन्द दमोदर माधवेति
बिल्वमङ्गलस्य गोविन्द दामोदर स्तोत्रात्--
ulūkhale sambhṛta taṇḍulāṁśca saṁghaṭṭayantyau musalaiḥ pramugdhāḥ|
gāyanti gopyo janitānurāgā govinda damodara mādhaveti
bilvamaṅgalasya govinda dāmodara stotrāt--
The young ladies of Gokulam are filling the mortars with rice and are pounding it with wooden pestles
they are filled with love for Krishna..
they are inebriated with His thoughts..
and they are singing
Govinda Damodhara Madhava
अग्रे कुरूणामथ पण्डवानां दुःशासनेनाहृतवस्त्रकेशा।
कृष्णा तदाक्रोशदनन्यनाथा गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति॥
बिल्वमङ्गलस्य गोविन्द दामोदर स्तोत्रात्--
agre kurūṇāmatha paṇḍavānāṁ duḥśāsanenāhṛtavastrakeśā|
kṛṣṇā tadākrośadananyanāthā govinda dāmodara mādhaveti||
bilvamaṅgalasya govinda dāmodara stotrāt--
In the presence of Kauravaas and Pandavaas, Krishnaa the Draupadi is dragged by her hair and disrobed by Dussaasana, the second Kaurava.
Helpless and finding no one capable of protecting her and her honour, she is calling aloud
Govinda Damodara Madhava
Yes, after losing a game of dice where queen Draupadi was offered as wager, Yudhishtira and other Pandavas have to stand mute and effete witnesses in the Court of Kauravas.. witnessing their queen being dragged by her hair and her dress being removed by Dussasana with intent to expose her nakedness and dishonour her..
The strong and arrogant Kauravas are bringing dishonour to the modesty of a lady..
And her husands the Pandavas are just watching helplessly..
Draupadi is calling out aloud, finding no one to defend her honour..
Govinda, Damodara Madhava..
Indeed, the Lord Krishna, the son of Devaki and Vasudeva, the Master of Dvaraka, did provide her with infinte amount of clothes and saved her honour..
Krishna indeed is a loyal brother
रामानुजं वीक्षणकेलिलोलं गोपी गृहीत्वा नवनीतगोलम्।
आबालकम् बालकम् आजुहाव गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति॥
rāmānujaṁ vīkṣaṇakelilolaṁ gopī gṛhītvā navanītagolam |
ābālakam bālakam ājuhāva govinda dāmodara mādhaveti||
The younger brother of Balarama is playing blindfold game with a lot of boys..
( He is supposed to have his eyes closed and covered but the naughty fellow would be seeing everything with lowered eyelids through the gap between fingers)
Yasodha is just holding a ball of butter in her hands and is calling her boy..
Govinda, Damodara Madhava
The blindfold game would be over once the little in sees the butter
जिह्वे सदैवम् भज सुन्दराणि नामानि कृष्णस्य मनोहराणि।
समस्त भक्तार्तिविनाशनानि गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति॥
jihve sadaivam bhaja sundarāṇi nāmāni kṛṣṇasya manoharāṇi|
samasta bhaktārtivināśanāni govinda dāmodara mādhaveti||
Oh my tongue, you always dwell upon the enchanting names of that Krishna
The taste of those names removes all and every difficulty and sorrow of the devotee
Yes, my tongue, may His names Govinda, Damodara, Madhava .. dwell in you and dance around you for ever and ever
( when I type this, I can feel the sweetness of that fellow not only in my tongue, but in my heart too)

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