Sunday, March 15, 2020

never insult a differently abled person

रूपद्रव्य विहीनांश्च जातिहीनांश्च नाक्षिपेत्॥
मनुस्मृत्याम्॥ ४-१४१
rūpadravya vihīnāṁśca jātihīnāṁśca nākṣipet||
manusmṛtyām|| 4-141

A very categorical instruction from the great Lawgive Manu.. in his Manusmriti..

Let no one insult
Persons who have defective limbs
persons who have excessive growth in limbs
persons who are not having great education of dexterity
persons who are of advanced age
persons who faces defects or inadequacies in good looks
persons who are not endowed with money
persons who are categorized as belonging to lower castes in the social strata..

In short, Manu ensured that no one facing physical, mental, material or social challenges would ever face insults just on the basis of such inadequacies..

After all what else is socialism, egalitarianism and so on..

The social issues do not arise from the wisdom of the sages.. they arise from the attitude of those who practice such rules..

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