Tuesday, February 13, 2024

स्पृहणीया कस्य न ते सुमतेः सरलाशया महात्मानः

स्पृहणीया कस्य न ते सुमतेः सरलाशया महात्मानः।
त्रयमपि येषां सदृशं हृदयं वचनं तदाचारः॥
spṛhaṇīyā kasya na te sumateḥ saralāśayā mahātmānaḥ|
trayamapi yeṣāṁ sadṛśaṁ hṛdayaṁ vacanaṁ tadācāraḥ||
Which person with an effusive heart, and straight thinking will not shower praises and treat with utmost respect great men whose heart, words and action would work in harmoniously and in the positive direction?
The poet here says that men of quality and class always think with clarity and compassion (this comes from heart), and speak out only things which have been found close to their heart, and would also convert the good thoughts into the right action.
Of course we find many people around us who have no heart at all, but speak with synthetic sweetness in words and have in plenty black evil and deception in their activities.

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