Sunday, March 24, 2024

विशिष्ठकुलजातोपि यः खलः खल एव स


चन्दनादपि संभूतो दहत्येव हुताशनः। 
 विशिष्ठकुलजातोपि यः खलः खल एव स॥ 
 सुभाषितार्णवे  इन्दिस्च स्प्रूच २२४१

candanādapi saṁbhūto dahatyeva hutāśanaḥ| viśiṣṭhakulajātopi yaḥ khalaḥ khala eva sa|| subhāṣitārnave

A fire kindled with sandal logs too would burn and inundate every material seen around. If a fellow is of evil mind, he will do evil alone. His birth in an exalted clan would not change his innate cruely.

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