Sunday, March 24, 2024

musings 270

Freedom and liberty are not to be understood as freedom to behave and act in such a way that can be harmful to oneself and for others..
No one is free either to act in a way that would harm himself or others..
Suicide and homicide are both crimes..
This is the right time for intropspection.
Exposure to too much of the so called liberal values, especially in media including social media, has somehow lulled many of us into a state of mind where we presume that for publicity and popularity, we can tell or do almost anything..
And that we can get away from the consequences by some lame apology or show of regret, if we tend to overdo things.
In fact, our liberty is protected only by the discipline and restraint we impose on ourselves , and everything depends on the goodwill and sense of tolerance exhibited by all around us..
The exalted or misplaced sense individual liberty would vanish the moment a few people around us retaliate.
Unbridled liberty can be claimed only by a raving lunatic, or a person livin in a savage society. And in cases of lunatics , the people around such people would ensure that such liberty is not exhibited for long periods..
And sure, we are not a savage society .
Liberty is a gift to us by the socieity, by the state, and very coveted and sacred covenant.
It is like an extremely brittle crystal urn handed over to us..
If we juggle with it and if it falls off our hands, it will be shattered..
And in turn that can shatter us and cause damage to others around us too.
The real liberty is the liberty to show kindness, compassion and solidarity with all people around us..
Our liberty lies in our love, care and concern for our fellow living beings.
Let us be liberal that way in these testing moments..
Let us not test the patience of others, nature, and the authorities who are striving without any let up to ensure our safety and well being even against heavy odds.
Krishna bless.

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