Saturday, April 06, 2024

the rules about telling lies and utter lies..

the rules about telling lies and utter lies..
and justification thereof are found even in Mahabharatam.. that is slightly earlier than the codified dharmashastras..
A quote from Karnaparvam of Mahabharatham justifying certain lies
which are qualifying for whitewashing...
lies which not fetch sin to the one who utters the
vivAhakAle rati samprayoge
prAnAtyaye sarva dhana apahAre।
viprasya cha arthe hi anRutam vadeta
panchAni anRutAni AhuH apAtakAni ॥
Five lies are considered not be tainted with grave sinfulness.
Lie for marriage.. The categories can be.. Parents lying about affluence, beauty, age, caste, health, status etc of the grooms..
( of the bride too)
A person contracting marriage through deceit.. marriage when another spouse(s) existing included?
To gains amorous satisfaction.. can one promise money, matrimony, safety, joy ... and what more?
To save one's own life.. this is at least understandable.
When one stands the risk of his whole money and assets being lost/ confiscated/ robbed.. Lying to thieves and taxmen like me would be covered by this exception clause.
So lying to a taxman is not a sin according to Mahabharatham
To lie for the sake of or to further the cause of a Brahmin or a learned man.. Maybe, to save his life, wealth, al..
If these items are taken away from the definition of lie or such actions are exempted from sinfulness, then what is remaining to be classified as lies?
Almost everything in life will fit into the first four clauses..
महाभारते – कर्णपर्वे – अपातकानि पंच अनृतानि
विवाहकाले रतिसंप्रयोगे प्राणात्यये सर्वधनापहारे ।
विप्रस्य चार्थे ह्यनृतं वदेत पंचानृतान्याहुरपातकानि ॥

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