pachai maamalai pol mene

Friday, July 02, 2021

sanskrit is a way of life... not a way of livelihood or shortcut to popularity


Sir, Sanskrit represents and symbolizes  the greatest civilization, history, and many other great things of a huge chunk of population of humanity...

And I am sure it will sustain itself for eternity, in spite of the crude and cruel treatment meted out to it by either who oppose it openly out of selfish reasons or cultural, racial or political prejudices, or by those who profess service to it but do it great damage by their half-baked and opportunistic approach...

Sanskrit should not definitely form a subject matter merely for vote-bank politics.

In a way it is the mother tongue for all of us who chant stotrams and prayers, and perform religious rites through its medium.

It would be nice if people who chant stotras and prayers try to get at least at the general meaning of the material they recite, even if they could not grasp the intricacies of the language and grammar.

Sadly I have found that only if one makes a lot of publicity that he is propagating Sanskrit there will be people to spread the word,, and the partial or inadequate scholars of Sanskrit get a lot of fanfare,

while great scholars, even in Facebook etc, who have the vision and capacity but are like huge oceans which would not go in search of others to teach but would expect the seekers approaching them, never are valued ..

Kalidasa Kumarasamhavam . 'न रत्नं अन्विष्यति मृग्यते हि तत् na ratnam anvishyati mrugyate hi tat.. The valuable gems do not go canvassing and marketing themselves, but connoisseurs come in search...
Nothing like that ever happens...

For a lover of Sanskrit, in India, what would count is not the money.. 
But the respect for the language and the person having that knowledge

And no one ever cares for those.

I have seen this business pursued by hundreds and thousands..

Watched it with a lot of despair..

I say this not to hurt anyone

but I write this out of my love for Sanskrit

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