pachai maamalai pol mene

Monday, December 02, 2019

easy to appoint inefficient hands, but how to bring in efficiency?

कर्तुं पदव्यां योग्यानां अयोग्यान् प्रभवेन्न कः।
तेषां गुणैस्तान् संयोक्तुं न शक्यं कारणैरपि॥
कल्हणकृते राजतरङ्गिण्यां ८-१६३७
kartuṁ padavyāṁ yogyānāṁ ayogyān prabhavenna kaḥ|
teṣāṁ guṇaistān saṁyoktuṁ na śakyaṁ kāraṇairapi||
kalhaṇakṛte rājataraṅgiṇyāṁ 8-1637

A thought-provoking quote from Kalhana's Rajatarangini

It is about deploying persons with right eligibility in proper places..

The sloka when translated would read
Who does not have the power to appoint a person lacking eligibility to a position which requires persons with adequate capacity?
However, no tricks or manipulations would enable one to cultivate such abilities befitting the learned ones to the unfit ones

If the boss, or government or any employer is prepared to appoint a person to a position for which he is not suited and eligible, they can do it, if they are pleased..
But mere appointment would not fetch for the employee the qualifications he really requires..
And the person, the boss and the government all might face the consequences sooner or later..

However, this happens too many times in this unequal social set up..

कः who
योग्यानां पदव्यां in positions earmarked for eligible persons
अयोग्यान् ineligible persons
कर्तुं न प्रभवेत् could appoint, could give position
परन्तु but
बहुभिः कारणैः अपि even with many actions or manipulations
तेषां योग्यानां those eligible persons
गुणैः virtues and qualifications
तान् अयोग्यान् those ineligible
संयोक्तुं न शक्यं not possible to endow with ( eligibility and qualification)

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