pachai maamalai pol mene

Monday, December 02, 2019

Reminded ever of Krishna.. that impish but resourceful one..

Reminded ever of Krishna.. that impish but resourceful one..

Once the boy Krishna entered the neighbour's house in stealth and tried to reach the pot of butter and curd suspended from the ceiling.
He tried to stand on a shaky stool and reached the rope holding the suspended pot.
As luck would have it the rickety stool moved off and fell away leaving the boy dangling from the rope.
No way to reach the floor. The lady of the house came in and saw everything..
The pots of butter the ropes and the imp suspended in the air.
Of course even in that state of suspended animation the tiny tot had managed to help himself to his tummy's content the available dairy products.

The auntie asked "who is there"

"The brother of Balarama"
(To implicate the brother too?)

"Why are you here?"

"Searching for a little calf which is missing from yesterday "

"Did you find it there in the pot of butter?

"No auntie. I was just waiting here for you to arrive.. So that I could tell you and go back home"

What an innocence?

The auntie brought him down.

His body was slippery with butter.

He slithered away from the grip of the auntie and ran away..

I have adapted this story from an age old Sanskrit Slokam..
The slokam coming in Srivaadiraaja yatis ukti pratyukti stotram is as follows.

कस्त्वं बाल बलानुजः किमिह ते मन्मन्दिराशङ्कया।
युक्तं तन्नवनीतपात्रविवरे हस्तं किमर्थं न्यसेः॥
मातः कञ्चन वत्सकं मृगयितुं मा गा विषादं क्षणात्
इत्येवं वरवल्लवी प्रतिवचः कृष्णस्य पुष्णातु नः॥
श्रीवादिराजयतिकृते उक्तिप्रत्युक्ति स्तोत्रे॥
kastvaṁ bāla balānujaḥ kimiha te manmandirāśaṅkayā|
yuktaṁ tannavanītapātravivare hastaṁ kimarthaṁ nyaseḥ||
mātaḥ kañcana vatsakaṁ mṛgayituṁ mā gā viṣādaṁ kṣaṇāt
ityevaṁ varavallavī prativacaḥ kṛṣṇasya puṣṇātu naḥ||
śrīvādirājayatikṛte uktipratyukti stotre||

this slokam is found in some versions of Srikrishna Karnamrutham of Leelashuka too.

The gopi asks the little Krishna who has sneaked into her house.. "Who are you, boy"
Krishna Replies " The brother of Balarama"
Gopi " How come you are in this house"
Krishna.. " I mistook it to be my own house "
Gopi.. " Okay, but why have you put your hand in that pot containing butter ?"
Krishna.." Mother, I was searching for a calf, which is missing.. So please do not mistake me and get angry with me and do not be sad "

May the conversation as reported above between that Lad Krishna and that nice lady of Gokulam protect us for ever...

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