pachai maamalai pol mene

Sunday, December 01, 2019

the basic source is the best....

नास्ति मेघसमं तोयं नास्ति चात्मसमं बलम्।

नास्ति चक्षुः समं तेजो नास्ति धान्यसमं प्रियम्॥
nāsti meghasamaṁ toyaṁ nāsti cātmasamaṁ balam|
nāsti cakṣuḥ samaṁ tejo nāsti dhānyasamaṁ priyam||

A great nugget of wisdom attributed to the master Statesman Acharya Chanakya..

the meaning of the couplet is

There cannot be a better source for water that the cloud
There can be no help or support to a person than the person himself
There can be nothing that would throw light and illuminate us than our own eyes
There can be nothing healthier or tastier as food that the grains and cereals

We find water almost everywhere, and we draw water from all sources.. But the ultimate source of water is the cloud.. and if the process of vapourisation and recycling of unclean water into pure water through rains does not happen, life on this earth would not exist. So clouds are the best bet at any point of time

For everyone, the best help can come only from himself. Others can lend their support, but only the person himself can channelize the resources effectively.. If he fails in doing that no help would be of any avail

Whatever be the source of coulours or beauty or illumination, if the eyes are not working properly one cannot see and enjoy... So the eyes are the best source of illumination.
We may love to eat many things.. We may talk high of many food materials and sweetmeats..
But if the basic foundation laid by rice or such grains and cereals are not there, healthy existence is impossible..

Of course we tend to ignore the basic foundations.. But we are managing only because they serve us silently and persistently..

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