pachai maamalai pol mene

Wednesday, December 04, 2019

vedic riks or mantras while offering tarpanams to our ancestors...

Regarding the Vedic mantras used while offering Tarpanam or water oblations, I had posted some handwritten scanned pages..
The Vedic mantras below are
The mantram offered while spreading the Darbha for seating the invoked pithrus.
The mantrams of Veda.. which we chant while offering tarpanams to the Father, Paterna Grandfather and the Paternal Great Grandfather.. ( three for each)

The Tarpanams to mother, paternal grandmother and paternal grandmother are offered without these mantras.

The tarpanams to maternal granfather can be offered chanting the mantras used for father, to maternal great grandfather chanting the same mantras as to paternal grandfather, and to maternal great great grandfather chanting the mantras as to the paternal great grandfather.
The tarpanams to the grandmothers in the maternal side are offered without these riks.

1.सकृदाच्छिन्नं बर्हिरूर्णा मृदु स्योन पितृभ्यस्त्वा भराम्यहम्।
अस्मिन्थ्सीदन्तु मे पितरः पितामहाश्चानुचरैः सह॥
sakṛdācchinnaṁ barhirūrṇā mṛdu syona pitṛbhyastvā bharāmyaham|
asminthsīdantu me pitaraḥ pitāmahāścānucaraiḥ saha||

You the Dharbha Grasses, you were collected by me once with great devotion.. You are soft like feathers . I am spreading you on the ground for the sake of my Pitrs. May my father, my grandfather and great grandfather be present here along with those who keep them company, may they take their comfortable seats on you the spread Darbhas.

2 उदीरतां अवर उत्परास उन्मध्यामाः पितरस्सोम्यासः।
असुं य ईयु-रवृका ऋतज्ञास्ते नोऽवन्तु पितरो हवेषु॥
---गोत्रान् वसुरूपान् पितॄन् स्वधा नमः तर्पयामि॥
udīratāṁ avara utparāsa unmadhyāmāḥ pitarassomyāsaḥ|
asuṁ ya īyu-ravṛkā ṛtajñāste no'vantu pitaro haveṣu||
---gotrān vasurūpān pitṝn svadhā namaḥ tarpayāmi||

May the pitrus of even medium or lesser importance rise to the status of pitrus who have conducted Somayagam during their lifetime. May they abandon any anger towards us . May they take notice of our sincere and righteous offerings , and when we are addressing them, may they protect us.
I offer my tarpanam (water oblation) to my father of -- gothram, who has attained Vasu status. I offer this fondly remembering him and offering my humble pranams to his in the name of Svadhaa.

3.अङ्गिरसो न पितरो न वग्वा अथर्वाणो भृगवः सोम्यासः।
तेषां वय  सुमतौ यज्ञियानामपि भद्रे सौमनसे स्याम॥
---गोत्रान् वसुरूपान् पितॄन् स्वधा नमः तर्पयामि॥
aṅgiraso na pitaro na vagvā atharvāṇo bhṛgavaḥ somyāsaḥ|
teṣāṁ vaya  sumatau yajñiyānāmapi bhadre saumanase syāma||
---gotrān vasurūpān pitṝn svadhā namaḥ tarpayāmi||

Our pitrus who are named Angirasas, Atharvanas and Bhrigus are blessing us in many ways and are ever finding new ways to shower their benevolence on us.. They have all performed Somayagam. May we go ahead in life with pure and sublime minds following the glorious path in which such pitrus moved during their lifetime.
I offer my tarpanam (water oblation) to my father of -- gothram, who has attained Vasu status. I offer this fondly remembering him and offering my humble pranams to his in the name of Svadhaa.
4.आयान्तु नः पितरः सौम्यासः अग्निष्वाता पथिभिर्देवयानैः।
अस्मिन् यज्ञे स्वधया मदन्यधिब्रुवनु ते अवन्त्यस्मान्॥
---गोत्रान् वसुरूपान् पितॄन् स्वधा नमः तर्पयामि॥
āyāntu naḥ pitaraḥ saumyāsaḥ agniṣvātā pathibhirdevayānaiḥ|
asmin yajñe svadhayā madanyadhibruvanu te avantyasmān||
---gotrān vasurūpān pitṝn svadhā namaḥ tarpayāmi||

Our Pithrus who are agnishvattas (those who have performed Agnishtoma Sacrifice during their lifetime) may travel to this place in the Devayana path ( such pitrus are in the higher heavens and they come to earth travelling the Devyana or Divin path.) May they be pleased by the offerings made by us, and may they protect us.
I offer my tarpanam (water oblation) to my father of -- gothram, who has attained Vasu status. I offer this fondly remembering him and offering my humble pranams to his in the name of Svadhaa.

5.ऊर्जं वहन्ती अमृतं घृतं पयः कीलालं
परिसृत स्वधास्थ तर्पयत मे पितॄन्॥
---गोत्रान् रुद्ररूपान् पितामहान् स्वधा नमः तर्पयामि॥
ūrjaṁ vahantī amṛtaṁ ghṛtaṁ payaḥ kīlālaṁ
parisṛta svadhāstha tarpayata me pitṝn||
---gotrān rudrarūpān pitāmahān svadhā namaḥ tarpayāmi||

Oh waters, you contain the essence of the energy in everything. Therefore when I offfer you, the waters, to our pitrus invoking Svadhaa, may you transform yourselves into Amrutham or nectar, ghee, milk and honey or a blood or other drinks, and satisfy our pitrus.
I offer my tarpanam (water oblation) to my paternal grandfather of -- gothram, who has attained Rudra status. I offer this fondly remembering him and offering my humble pranams to his in the name of Svadhaa.

6.पितृभ्यः स्वधाविभ्यः स्वधा नमः।
पितामहेभ्यः स्वधाविभ्यः स्वधा नमः।
प्रपितामहेभ्यः स्वधाविभ्यः स्वधा नमः।
---गोत्रान् रुद्ररूपान् पितामहान् स्वधा नमः तर्पयामि॥
pitṛbhyaḥ svadhāvibhyaḥ svadhā namaḥ|
pitāmahebhyaḥ svadhāvibhyaḥ svadhā namaḥ|
prapitāmahebhyaḥ svadhāvibhyaḥ svadhā namaḥ|
---gotrān rudrarūpān pitāmahān svadhā namaḥ tarpayāmi||

I offer my pranams to my father who will be pleased when such pranam is offered chanting Swadhaa ( Swadhaa the Female Deity, the consort of the god Aryama the controller of the world of Pitrus..)
I offer my pranams to my paternal grandfather who will be pleased when such pranam is offered chanting Swadhaa
I offer my pranams to my paternla great grand father who will be pleased when such pranam is offered chanting Swadhaa
I offer my tarpanam (water oblation) to my paternal grandfather of -- gothram, who has attained Rudra status. I offer this fondly remembering him and offering my humble pranams to his in the name of Svadhaa.

7.ये चेह पितरो ये न चेहं या  श्च विद्मय  ऊ च न प्रविद्म।
अग्ने तान् वेत्थ यदि ते जातवेद-स्तया प्रत ग्म् स्वधया मदन्ति।
---गोत्रान् रुद्ररूपान् पितामहान् स्वधा नमः तर्पयामि॥
ye ceha pitaro ye na cehaṁ yā  śca vidmaya  ū ca na pravidma|
agne tān vettha yadi te jātaveda-stayā prata gm svadhayā madanti|
---gotrān rudrarūpān pitāmahān svadhā namaḥ tarpayāmi||

Oh Agni, the Jathaveda, who know everything, you can recognize all the pitrus who are present in this world(here), who are not present in this world(here), whom we the mortals can know and whom we cannot know . May you take the offerings from us and deliver them to all of them after duly identifying them.
I offer my tarpanam (water oblation) to my paternal grandfather of -- gothram, who has attained Rudra status. I offer this fondly remembering him and offering my humble pranams to his in the name of Svadhaa.

8.मधु वाता ऋतायते। मधु क्षरन्ति सिन्धवः माध्वीर्न सन्त्वोषधी।
---- ---गोत्रान् आदित्यरूपान् प्रपीतामहान् स्वधा नमः तर्पयामि॥
madhu vātā ṛtāyate| madhu kṣaranti sindhavaḥ mādhvīrna santvoṣadhī|
---- ---gotrān ādityarūpān prapītāmahān svadhā namaḥ tarpayāmi||
May the soft breeze be sweet,May the rivers flow sweetly, May the herbs and plants give us sweetness.

I offer my Tarpanam ( water oblations) to my paternal great granfather of... gotra who has attained Aditya Status.. fondly remembering him and offering pranams in the name of Svadhaa.

9.मधु नक्तमुतोषसि। मधुमत् पार्थिवं रजः। मदु ध्यौरस्तु नः पिता॥
---- ---गोत्रान् आदित्यरूपान् प्रपीतामहान् स्वधा नमः तर्पयामि॥
madhu naktamutoṣasi| madhumat pārthivaṁ rajaḥ| madu dhyaurastu naḥ pitā||
---- ---gotrān ādityarūpān prapītāmahān svadhā namaḥ tarpayāmi||

May the nights and days be sweet.
May the dust rising from the surface of the earth be sweet.
May the sky which is like our father be sweet to us.
I offer my Tarpanam ( water oblations) to my paternal great granfather of... gotra who has attained Aditya Status.. fondly remembering him and offering pranams in the name of Svadhaa.

10. मधुमान्नो वनस्पतिः। मधुमा  अस्तु सूर्यः। माध्वीर्गावो भवनुत् नः॥
---- ---गोत्रान् आदित्यरूपान् प्रपीतामहान् स्वधा नमः तर्पयामि॥
madhumānno vanaspatiḥ| madhumā  astu sūryaḥ| mādhvīrgāvo bhavanut naḥ||
---- ---gotrān ādityarūpān prapītāmahān svadhā namaḥ tarpayāmi||
May the trees of the forest be sweet.
May the Sun be sweet
May the cows be sweet
I offer my Tarpanam ( water oblations) to my paternal great granfather of... gotra who has attained Aditya Status.. fondly remembering him and offering pranams in the name of Svadhaa.

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