pachai maamalai pol mene

Friday, March 07, 2025

detachment is the real comfort


अर्थी करोति दैन्यं लब्धार्थो गर्वमपरितोषं च।
नष्टधनोऽस्ति सशोकः सुखमास्ते निःस्पृहः पुरुषः॥
जैन सुभाषितम् म्हासुभाषितसग्रहे ३००६

arthī karoti dainyaṁ labdhārtho garvamaparitoṣaṁ ca|
naṣṭadhano'sti saśokaḥ sukhamāste niḥspṛhaḥ puruṣaḥ||
jaina subhāṣitam mhāsubhāṣitasagrahe 3006

The man who is short of cash would be running around fretully seekig ways to to have some money. The pursuit would carry him around confronting him and exposing him to many situations filled with difficulties and miseries.

The same gentleman would go overboard with arrogance, pride and vanity when some cash fills his coffers. He would flaunt his affluence unabashedly.

And when the mney earned is exhausted or lost, either throguh spening or through robbery or any other manner, his sorrow breaches all baarriers and his meserabbe cries echo in all directions.

All the while, the balanced person who is satisfied with what he has and what comes by hs way without his seeking for it, remains happy for ever, He does not celbrate any gain. Nor does he bother much about what is lost.


अर्थी the one who is in desperate search for money दैन्यं करोति ever remains miserable लब्ध अर्थः one who has acquired ore earned some money गर्व arrogance परितोषं unreasoonable, limitless jubilation कुरुते does नष्टधनः,one who loses money सशोकः is sulking a d weeping miserablyअस्ति is निः स्पृहः the one who is detached पुरुषः personसुखं आस्ते is sitting happily without any care or bother

It is the honour of the captain to go down with the ship

There are some situations in life which there is no other way than to endure them..!

Yes, You have to face the challenging situations, tackle them, confront them, defeat them if you can, or travel with them silently till you have gained some strength to tacke them. Anyway adversities have to be overcome, else we would sink with them. Just think of sinking ships of old. It is the honour of the captain to go down with the ship

Thursday, March 06, 2025

is it not better to be a moon than a sun?

Being honest and forthright makes one blunt and prevent him from being humble.
It is a major issue.
We know the sun is our greatest benefactor. But he is get hot and a direct exposure to him can hurt too even though he never intends any harm.
But by no means he is humble. He cannot even afford to be humble
The moon is just an impostor just reflecting the rays of the sun. But he is called the source of amrutha or ambrosia..and he is loved by all when in agony as well as in ecstasy. A case of deceptive appearance with no utility. The sobsister story of periodic waxing and waning also makes him a tragic hero appealing to our softer sentiments. But the moon is mild, humble and so humble although he is not much of real help to anyone.
But then the mild dandy that is the moon wins the hearts.
So is it not better to be a moon than a sun?

nobility cannot come by make up or show of wealth..

काकस्य गात्रं यदि काञ्चनस्य माणिक्यरत्नं यदि चञ्चुदेशे।
एकैकपक्षे ग्रथितं मणीनां तथापि काको न तु राजहंसः॥
kākasya gātraṁ yadi kāñcanasya māṇikyaratnaṁ yadi cañcudeśe|
ekaikapakṣe grathitaṁ maṇīnāṁ tathāpi kāko na tu rājahaṁsaḥ||
Even if the body of a crow is made of gold,
even if his beaks ares studded with rubies and gems,
even if each of his wings is adorned with ornamental droppings of precious stones,
still he is just a crow.
Just because of the precious ornamentation he will not become a Royal Swan..
The subhashitakaara underlines the importance of the inherent nobility.. and stresses that such nobility cannot come by make up or show of wealth..
(यद्यपि even though) काकस्य गात्रं काञ्चनस्य (भवति). the bdoy of a crow is made of gold
. (यद्यपि तस्य) चञ्चुदेशे माणिक्य रत्नं( वर्तते ) even if the area around his beaks are adorned with gems and rubies
, (यद्यपि तस्य) एकैकपक्षे मणीनां ग्रथितं ( अस्ति), even though each of his wings is decorated with droppings of jewels and gems
तथा अपि सः काक (एव.).still he is only a crow
सः न तु राजहंसः he is not a royal swan..

pranams k v ananthanarayanan

if your mind and spirit are impure and are contaminated

यदि वहसि दण्डं नग्नमुण्डं जटं वा
यदि वहसि गुहायां वृक्षमूले शिलायाम्।
यदि पठसिपुराणं वेदसिद्धान्ततत्त्वं
यदि हृदयमशुद्धं सर्वमेतन्न किञ्चित्॥
yadi vahasi daṇḍaṁ nagnamuṇḍaṁ jaṭaṁ vā
yadi vahasi guhāyāṁ vṛkṣamūle śilāyām|
yadi paṭhasipurāṇaṁ vedasiddhāntatattvaṁ
yadi hṛdayamaśuddhaṁ sarvametanna kiñcit||
Is it really of great importance or would it give some exalted spiritual status to you
If you merely carry the Danda or the insignia staff signifying that you are a renunciate or sannyaasin
If you wander all around wearing matted hair and exhibiting a naked body
If you shift your residence to a cave in the jungle, if you select the shadow of a tree as your permanent abode or if you occupy the top of a barren rock as your rendezvous
If you study Puranas, Vedas, Siddhantaas and try to expound their content to the wide audience,
And your mind and spirit are impure and are contaminated or even defiled by base propensities and unfair desires ?

Wednesday, March 05, 2025

यद्दिनं हरिसंलाप कथापीयूषवर्जितम्

यद्दिनं हरिसंलाप कथापीयूषवर्जितम्।
तद्दिनं दुर्दिनं मन्ये मेघाच्छन्नं च दुर्दिनम्॥ प्रसङ्गाभरणे॥
yaddinaṁ harisaṁlāpa kathāpīyūṣavarjitam|
taddinaṁ durdinaṁ manye meghācchannaṁ ca durdinam|| prasaṅgābharaṇe||
A day which passes without our enjoying the nectar in the shape of hearty conversation about the glory of Lord Hari the Krishna is a very bad day. A day where the sky is overcast and filled with clouds too can be called a bad day.

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

living conditions in a country

यत्र नास्ति मनः प्रीतिः यत्र न प्रियदर्शनम्।
यत्राऽपि परतन्त्रत्वं तद्राज्यं नरकं विदुः॥
जैन सुभषित स्तोत्रादि सङ्ग्रह

yatra nāsti manaḥ prītiḥ yatra na priyadarśanam|
yatrā'pi paratantratvaṁ tadrājyaṁ narakaṁ viduḥ||
jaina subhaṣita stotrādi saṅgraha

If the living conditions in a country are such that

One can never find peace,contentment or sense of fulilment all leadig to happieness iin existemce,

One cannot have a contented life in the happy company of kith and kin close to the heart

One has to live under a dispensation or admintration that would engender slavery and submission to the autocratic whims of cruel rulers,

Then that kingdom, nation or state is nothing better than hell itself.


यत्र living in which country मनः प्रीतिः peace,contentment,sense of fulfilment happiness न अस्ति ot there प्रियदर्शनम् presence, seing and happy interaction with persons who are close to heart यत्र न भवति where does not happen यत्र where परतन्त्रत्वं undue servility , dependence वर्तते is foisted on us तद राज्यं that country is नरकं विदुः to be uderstood as hell

Monday, March 03, 2025

It is the money that makes all the difference


न विद्यया नैव कुलेन गौरवं जनाऽनुरागो धनिकेषु सर्वदा।
कपालिना मैलिधृताऽपि जाह्नवी प्रयाति रत्नाकरमेव सत्वरम्॥

na vidyayā naiva kulena gauravaṁ janā'nurāgo dhanikeṣu sarvadā|
kapālinā maiulidhṛtā'pi jāhnavī prayāti ratnākarameva satvaram||

The motley crowd ever run jumping towads people with lot of money only, perhaps seeking generous assistance. Yes, the fascination for the rich man is ubiquitous. The great knowldege,erudition, intellect, birth in some exalted lineage—all these advantages lose their shine and signicicance in front of a fat moneybag.

Take the case of Lord Shiva. His knowledge, intellect and lineage are high and without any comparison. However his worldly possessions are meagre. All He possesses is an emty human skull used as begging bowl, and obviously going around begging for alms is His avocation.After all He is Kapali.

River Gangs, Jahnavi,the daughter of Sage Jahnu, originated in the matted locks of this Shiva. He stores her there securely in all affection and with all care. Probably she is ashamed of her abode and therefore she has quickly jumped out of Shankar’s head and is rushing towards the ocean because,the huge waterfront is the treasurehouse of all precious gems..the Ratnakara. Sure,the dull ocean does not possess knowledge or lineage comparable to that of Shiva

It is the money that makes all the difference

विद्यया न not by virtue of great learning ,कुलेन वा न neither by virtue of the race or status of birth जनानुरागो athe attraction, the dependence, the affection of majority of people धनिकेषु on the rich people एव only सर्वदा वर्तते always get directed

कपालिना the one who possesses an empty skull as beging bowl and sole possession, Lord Shiva मौलि in His head धृता held with love अपि even though जाह्नवी River Ganga, the daughter of Sage Jahnu रत्नाकरं the repository of precious gems, the ocean एवalone सत्त्वरंquickly प्रयाति rushes to

Sunday, March 02, 2025

We are just human beings.. Neither saints nor sinners

We are just human beings..
Neither saints nor sinners.
Principles and theories apart, we have the right to live our lives with some peace.
And perhaps we have the duty to ensure that for those who are dear to us.
Adherence to anything that would militate against an honest life is of no use .

The essence of life lies in the single steps we cover one at a time.

The essence of life lies in the single steps we cover one at a time. These steps can lead us to the summit of a peak or the abysmal depth of a pit. We should watch every one of our single steps.. we can do that with ease.When we walk over a tight rope we watch our steps one at a time . If we panic looking far off we are done for ever

know when to be tough

know when to be tough
समवृत्तिरुपैति मार्दवं समये यश्च तनोति तिग्मतां।
अधितिष्टति लोकमोजसा स विवस्वानिव मेधिनीपतिः॥
महाकवेः भारवेः किरतात्
samavṛttirupaiti mārdavaṁ samaye yasca tanoti tigmatāṁ|
adhitiṣṭati lokamojasā sa vivasvāniva medhinīpatiḥ||
mahākaveḥ bhāraveḥ kiratāt
A brave ruler remains calm, cool and composed and also behaves in a benign and soft manner during periods of peace and tranquility.
However when he has to face tough challenges from any quarter, he becomes really tough.
In this matter he sees as his model the great Sun who is very hot and tormenting in certain seasons like summer and is very benign during other seasons.
The softness or toughness of the mind at the right time,should come naturally to the efficient manager.
Generally we have a tendency to build up a certin image, either benign or tough.
In this process people go even out of the way to befriend (or making a show it ) all and the sundry.
This wonderful phenomenon can be seen in politicians especially during campaigns for vote.
When visiting the abodes of prospective voters, they perform all the acts of a clown including lifting naughty children who make it a point to urinate on the white dress of the caricature.
One the hustings are past they simply change their ways.
They are clowns no more, but are tyrants with no heart or qualms
But such play acting is not the topic of discussion in this slokam
The spontaneous behaviour of a great manager is illustrated here.
The manager has to shed softness and get into action however tough it is, when the call of duty beckons.
We see this great quality in the military forces world over.
They dance, sing and feast when the environs are nice but set out to offer the supreme sacrifice when duty calls.
( The quote comes from Kirataarjueeyam of poet Bharavi.. Bharavi is noted for the profundity of his thoughts)

musings 347

I have some memory of the 1962 china war and clearly remember subsequent warlike situations or wars in which our dear country was also dragged into.
Used to read newspapers and have listened to news too in radio then too. People though neither as affluent nor enlightened as today about strategies kept their calm and maintained restraint befitting the emergency we faced.
There were only rare exceptions.
Indeed very tare.
But at present even such sad situations are used for theatrical showmanship and celebration in an absurd manner..
Patriotism and dignity of the motherland are often sacrificed at the altar of this dramatics.
And with every passing day our attitude is sliding towards more and more of decay and decadence
This will not do.
This is sad

Saturday, March 01, 2025

musings 346

we are thinking with a mind that is tailormade to suit the biology psychology and anatomy of the body we live in.

Such thoughts may not be relevant till the moment we enter the body and after the moment we leave.
So the entire experience is life oriented.
It might be another case of a character in a drama laughing and crying.
But the actor knows that he is different from his role he is playing.
But in our lives mostly we are not aware of the delusion
Anyway I have no regrets only because I have almost convinced myself that just as we prepare to retire from a job we have to retire from life too.
and my role can change at any moment and I am prepared for it.
And I am aware we exaggerate the importance of our lives and activities.
Except a handful of incidents here and there most of our life seems to have been spent in just filling or rather killing time...
just wool gathering

उष्णो दहति चाङ्गारः शीतः कृष्णत्यते करम्॥

दुर्जनेन समं सख्यं प्रीतिं चापि न कारयेत्।
उष्णो दहति चाङ्गारः शीतः कृष्णत्यते करम्॥
durjanena samaṁ sakhyaṁ prītiṁ cāpi na kārayet|
uṣṇo dahati cāṅgāraḥ śītaḥ kṛṣṇatyate karam||
One should avoid friendship with bad people and one should also show no favour to such people.
When burning, the charcoal will scorch our hands, if we touch it.
When not burning it will make out hands dirty with black colour.
So like a lump of charcoal, a bad fellow is dangerous when he is active and when he is quiet too..
Of the donkey, there is a saying .. if you go before it, it will attack you and will pull you down with its head.. If you go behind it it will kick you with its hind legs.. Anyway downfall and injury are ensured.. once you come in contact with a donkey.. Contact with idiots and evil minded snobs also would result in the same physical and mental consequences for you..
Kick ensured..

Friday, February 28, 2025

the other side of the fence is greener.

Each life is unique, with ups and downs.. and the quality of life depends on our capacity to live it and our preferences..
It is okay to choose any type of life.. but once the decision is made we have to accept the consequences.. good or bad..
Each path is having a mixture of fine roads and difficult terrain..
No meaning is feeling that the pasture on the other side of the fence is greener.

Modi is an exceptional bright star, a beacon-light and a a rallying point for our hopes and expectations

Someone was paying a left handed compliment to our PM Modi stating that he was surviving just by his oratory..
I agree he is a great orator.. But we have to consider too that...
** whether you agree with it or not, Modi is also a great leader of the people with a lot of sincerity and firm determination for ensuring the stability and progress of India,
and sure, no leader of his calibre was present in India for the past couple of decades..
He is a nice orator , but he is not a mere orator.. In spite almost everything and everyone hereabout getting mired in mediocrity to the disadvantage of India and her people, Modi is an exceptional bright star, a beacon-light and a a rallying point for our hopes and expectations..
Thank God he is managing to hold on somewhat to his own in spite of all funny people joining hands together with a single agenda..
"intimidate Modi and frustrate his well intentioned moves.. "
We do not deserve Modi.. that is all..**

Thursday, February 27, 2025

dwani kavyas

All writers on the evolution of Sanskrit and its literature, have invariably set apart some space in their works to discuss about the dwani kavyas, or parts of works dealing with sounds and syllables and letters being given greater importance than the poetic beauty of description and aesthetics.. Even though such tendencies could be traced even to Vedas and even to the works of stalwarts like Kalidas, Bana and Bharavi,, it would appear that they have not attempted to indulge in repeated word pictures at the cost of the content and beauty of the Kavyam.. But Magha, in Sisupalavadham started the trend and the later poets for a few centuries followed suit, so much so that people started to think that such ornamental but affected arrangement of words, even at the cost of losing something in the content was a sine qua non for Kavyams.. But a substantial number of followers of Sanskrit hold the view that such ornamentation in letters making inroads into the aesthetics indicated a decline in the literary annals in that language.. Sure, Vedas and poets till Kalidasa have not used such contrivances consciously..

verbosity without the brilliant core of great thoughts is of no use

It is not the use of language or style of writing that makes anyone great.. The real source of greatness is the mind where such thoughts and ideas germinate..
True, when the thoughts find expression in lucid use of a language, they become more useful and enjoyable too..
But mere verbosity without the brilliant core of great thoughts is of no use..
And if the source of such great thoughts also houses fountainheads of love, then it is sublimity..

truth takes over sooner than later.

If there is a flower filled with honey, the bees will come to it even if it does not have bright colour or attractive smell..
But if there is no honey, the colour and smell will not bring in any bee.
True, things can be managed with show offs for some little time
But truth takes over sooner than later..

ambition to attain greater positons never cease


चक्रधरोऽपि सुरत्वं सुरभावे सकलसुरपतित्वं च।
सुरपतिरपि मोक्षपदं तथापि न निवर्तते तृष्णा॥गरुडपुराणे
cakradharo'pi suratvaṁ surabhāve sakalasurapatitvaṁ ca|
surapadirapi mokṣapadaṁ tathāpi na nivartate tṛṣṇā||garuḍapurāṇe
When a person becomes the topmost leader of the people or the emperor, he yearns to attain the status of a god
Once he has attained the status of god, his lookout is to ascend the throne as the leader of all the gods, Indra
Once the status of Indra is in sight, the lookout is to become a super-emancipated being with a status above everything.
Yes, the desire, the ambition to attain greater positons never cease or abate.

When the mind is allowed to delve deep into worldly matters

मन एव मनुष्याणां कारणं बन्धमोक्षयोः।
बन्धाय विषयासंगो मुक्त्यै निर्विषयं मनः ॥
~ अमृतबिन्दु उपनिषद्
Yes, our mind is the author of the script of our life. Not only that it is the producer, director, editor, exhibitor and the audience too.
When the mind is allowed to delve deep into worldly matters and is allowed all the indulgence, it will take us to the befitting destination filled with problems and anxieties.
However, if the mind is trained to be quiet, quiescent and withdrawn, gradually we move towards calmness, peace, relief and perhaps emancipation too..

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

musings 345

As a society we have ceased to understand that there are beautiful things like love, respect, commitment etc in life .
We tend to flaunt and show off whaterver advantage we gain.
The basic rule that whatever we gain or earn is for the family and the gains are to be shared with all is at present simply ignored.
The girl who earns today just tries to rub it in .
We cannot blame her for that .
If it is realized that job and money might be important but there are greater priorities things would be better.
Parents of my my age agroup -I am above sixty--have failed in a large way to shape the chatacters of our progeny.
We are answerable for that.
We owe apology to our children

musings 344

There seems to be a delicate balance and a limit in total endowments working in living structures.. where the intelligence, emotions, physical fitness, mental alertness and many such features vary in relative quantities and qualities.. but when such things are totaled up, the result would be constant among all beings. Some extra achievement would be compensated by some drawback or handicap in another faculty.. So there is an equality in totality..
That seems to be the divine wisdom
But when we try to boost up certain parts which we consider as more relevant, we have no capacity to bring balance by compensating such gains with some added handicap or control.
This seems to be a major issue.. God, Natural forces, or serendipity .. whatever we may call it seem to possess that uncanny sense of balance.. and human manipulations lack that sense..
I may be right or wrong in my evaluation.
But that is why sensible people consider that it is better to permit God or Nature to run the world he would like it to be.
If we create separate intelligence to our fingertips or retinas without and wholesome data synchronization reflex for the whole body, will that work well ?

agraharm tradition

Someone was asking whether there is a rule that if a person attends the dwajarohanam( formal hoisting of the divine flag marking the ten day festival or brahmotsavam) in a temple he should remain till the finish of the festival...dwajavarohanam.
Someone smartly remarked that god will not mind if you go away in the middle too
My response to that ..
There are tantric and agamic reasons for this.
This rule is applicable for all the persons who are under the authority of the temple deity variously called thattakam desham agrahatam etc
Others can visit and return at any time.
While starting the utsavam it is supposed that all the servants and dependents of the deity are present.
During vaasthu shanthi (the formal poojas and offers to the spirits and demigods who are occupying the precints or
Vaastu of the temple ) protection from evil forces are ritualistically given to the deity. the temple and the houses and streets along which the deity passes during utsavam and also to purify and protect the traditional permanent occupants..
The desha janam (the people of the locality ) are supposed to serve the deity all along between the dwajaarohanam and avarohanam
That is a sacred rule.
It is silly to say that god will be getting angry or he will not mind and all.
You are failing in your duty as a servant of your gramadevata.
Such remarks that god will not punish and all are simply arrogant. Arrogance arising out of haughty ignorance..There is no remedy for that..
what will you do if it is your child's marriage or a parent's death?
The deshajanams are protected when they are inside the vaasthu during utsavam but the evil spirits waiting on the borders can attack them if they move out and special rituals may be necessary to prevent the evil spirits entering the praakaaram when such people re enter in the middle of the utsavam
True, these rules will not apply to outsiders like a balloon vendor or a kaakkaa( what we address our Muslim brothers far as I know in Malabar) selling avil or removing aakri (old broken metal, plastic,pieces)..or even a curious visitor from outside

musings 343

Some people go gaga about modern facilities like recording, broadcasting, simulation, virtual recreation of situations etc.. praising in the loudest voices about the success of modern technology and gadgetry..
Technology and gadgetry are good and useful upto certain levels..
Beyond that they can kill us emotionally and physically too.
Do we really want that?
Basically certain things are just expected to be done by the individuals themselves..
The procedures and rituals were not scheduled by our forefathers because they did not know the shortcuts..
For example, population can be increased by artificial insemination.. and that way, even the quality of the children born can be subjected under strict quality control through genetic improvisations.. without considering the Individual male or female as a unit of further progress in race...
Of course that gene revolution like green revolution might create an elite set of humans for the future..
But the institutions of marriage, love, kinship and so many fine and tender things which make life worth living would simply vanish.
Do we want such a situation?
Prayers for a nice day
K v ananthanarayanan

windfall is often meant to destroy happiness

सन्तोषक्षतये पुंसामाकस्मिकधनागमः। सरसां सेतुभेदाय वर्षौघः स च न स्थिरः॥
santoṣakṣataye puṁsāmākasmikadhanāgamaḥ| sarasāṁ setubhedāya varṣaughaḥ sa ca na sthiraḥ||
If someone comes by a huge windfall of an income he should have the good sense to realize that such unexpected good turn is actually meant to destroy his happiness if he had even a little of it. The black rainclouds pour for sometime and fill the lake with excessive amounts of water. However too much of water just causes breaches in the banks and the whole water gets drained out and the lake becomes empty. Even the little water it has earlier gets flushed out. Similarly, sudden spurt in wealth may make a fellow happy for a little while but in his period of euphoria he would find ways to spend away everything.. The windfall will not repeat too. Earlier he would have lived a somewhat contented life with whatever he had. Now everything is gone. Nothing will come back too. So his money and his happiness, both are flushed off by the sudden windfall.

സന്തോഷക്ഷതയേ പുംസാമാകസ്മികധനാഗമഃ| സരസാം സേതുഭെദായ വര്‍ഷൗഘഃ സ ച ന സ്ഥിരഃ||


ഒരാള്‍ക്ക് പെട്ടെന്ന് ഒരു  കൂറ്റന്‍ വരുമാനമോ  ഒരിക്കലും പ്രതീക്ഷിക്കാത്ത   വിധത്തിലുള്ള ലാഭമോ വന്നു ചേരുകയാണെങ്കില്‍ അത്തരം ലാഭത്തിന്‍റെ കുത്തൊഴുക്ക്  വരാന്‍ പോകുന്ന ഏതോ അപകടത്തിന്‍റെ ഒരു മുന്നറിയിപ്പ് മാത്രം ആയിരിക്കും എന്നത് അയാള്‍ ഓര്‍ക്കണം.. അത്തരം  ലാഭത്തിന്‍റെ പ്രവാഹത്തില്‍  ആദ്യമേ കയ്യില്‍ ഉണ്ടായിരുന്ന സമ്പത്തും ചേര്‍ന്ന്  ഒഴുകിപ്പോയി ഒന്നും ഇല്ലാത്ത ഒരു നില അയാള്‍ക്ക് വന്നു ചേരാം. ആകാശത്തില്‍ കട്ടിയായും ഇരുണ്ടു നിരന്നു നില്‍ക്കുന്ന മേഘങ്ങള്‍  കുറച്ചുസമയത്തേയ്ക്ക് ധാരമുറിയാതെ  പെയ്തു തിമിര്‍ക്കും. ജലാശയങ്ങള്‍ നിറഞ്ഞുകവിഞ്ഞ് ഒഴുകാന്‍ തുടങ്ങുമ്പോള്‍  വരമ്പുകള്‍ തകര്‍ന്നുപോകും.  ജലാശയത്തിലെ വെള്ളം മുഴുവനും ഒഴുകി പോവുകയും  കുളം കാലിയാവുകയും ചെയ്യും. ഫലത്തില്‍ ഉണ്ടായിരുന്ന വെള്ളം മുഴുവന്‍  പോയിക്കിട്ടി. അതുപോലെ തന്നെ, പുതിയതായി വന്ന ലാഭത്തിന്‍റെ തിമിര്‍പ്പില്‍  മനുഷ്യന്‍ ഇടവും വലവും  തിരിഞ്ഞുനോക്കാതെ  കിട്ടിയതെല്ലാം ചിലവൂ ചെയ്തു മുടിക്കും. ഒരിക്കല്‍ വന്ന ഭാഗ്യം വീണ്ടും  തിരിച്ചു വരാനും പോകുന്നില്ല.  

പുതിയ സമ്പന്നത കൈവരുന്നതിന് മുമ്പേ ഒരു വ്യക്തി  തന്‍റെ വരുമാനത്തിന്നനുസരിച്ച്  ആവശ്യങ്ങളും ചിലവുകളും  നിയന്ത്രിക്കുന്നുണ്ടായിരിക്കും.   ഇപ്പോള്‍ എല്ലാ പണവും പോയി. നിയന്ത്രണവും കൈവിട്ടു. അതെ, കൊള്ളവെള്ളം വന്നു ഉള്ള വെള്ളവും കൊണ്ട് പോയി

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

सप्तैते परबाधकाः

मक्षिका मारुतो वेश्या याचको मूषकस्तथा।
ग्रामणीर्गणकश्चैव सप्तैते परबाधकाः॥
makṣikā māruto veśyā yācako mūṣakastathā|
grāmaṇīrgaṇakaścaiva saptaite parabādhakāḥ||
The housefly
The wayward wind
The prostitute
The beggar
The rat
The village head... the village officer, the community president or whoever it is of such capacity
The accountant.. the village accountant who collects taxes, the Chartered accountant who pesters us for proper maintenance of accounts, the taxman who collects taxes, the astrologer who calculates our unfavourable time
The above seven categories of people are alaways in existence to bother and be nuisance to all people around..

न हसन्ति मुनीश्वराः

चक्षुर्भ्यो हसते विद्वान्दन्तोद्घाटेन मध्यमाः।
अधमाः अट्टहासेन न हसन्ति मुनीश्वराः॥
cakṣurbhyo hasate vidvāndantodghāṭena madhyamāḥ|
adhamāḥ aṭṭahāsena na hasanti munīśvarāḥ||
A mature and very learned person smiles, laughs etc… that is signifies his emotions through subtle movements of his eyes.. that is he laughs through his eyes
A mediocre person exhibits his emotions just as they arise, by open gestures.. the mediocre man laughs exhibiting his teeth widely
An immature person of lowly tastes exhibits his emotions in a bizarre showy way.. the lowly person roars and roars when he has to laught
And the ascetic, the renunciate, never gives expression to his emotions at all.. the muni or the sage never laughs.
This slokam showcases the various levels of human maturity.. It does not necessarily mean that all fellows who do not smile are sages.. And a fellow who roars with laughter when there is a rare occasion to be very happy in not a lowly fellow. The statement has to be interpreted in the right perspective.

Monday, February 24, 2025

The fundamental roots of Sanatana Dharma

अद्रोहश्चाप्यलोभश्च दमो भूतदया शमः।
ब्रह्मचर्यं तपः शौचमनुक्रोशं क्षमा धृतिः।
सनातनस्य धर्मस्य मूलमेव दुरासदम्॥
मत्स्यपुराणे १४३-३१-३२
adrohaścāpyalobhaśca damo bhūtadayā śamaḥ|
brahmacaryaṁ tapaḥ śaucamanukrośaṁ kṣamā dhṛtiḥ|
sanātanasya dharmasya mūlameva durāsadam||
matsyapurāṇe 143-31-32
The fundamental roots of Sanatana Dharma are indeed deep and far reaching that it would be very difficult to reach up to the bottom and live up to the exacting standards.
The fundamental tenets are
1. Adroha ..Refraining from causing harm or suffering to others
2. Alobha.. Absence of cupidity or excessive desire for things not rightfully belonging to oneself
3. Dama..Capacity to maintain self control at any cost
4. Bhootadayaa..Mercy for all beings around
5. ShamaH.. Being in a state of tranquillity,
6. Brahmacharya… Faithfulness to the Supreme one, Brahmacharya could mean rectitude in character, celibacy, well directed meditation on the supreme one etc too
7. Tapas- Penance,.. Capacity to engage oneself in the path of divinity even at the cost of great pains and pressures arising to the body and the mind
8. Purity, Cleanliness. It is not only having a washed cleaned and scented body, but purity in action, words and thoughts too.
9. Anukrosha.. Empathy, tenderness.. Eagerness to understand and share the difficulties faced by others.
10. Kshamaa.. Patience…
11.Dhruti.. Courage, capacity to command and lead.
What more can you ask from a nation and society?

Sunday, February 23, 2025

musings 342


The pratishta inside the temple have some tantric significance and secrecies attached to it.. and the live presence of the divine being is supposed to be there and no one is supposed to ogle at such things.. there can be light and temperature only to the optimum limits.. The Darshan of sages and their activities are supposed to be seen only by the limited and scripturally permitted audience.. Too much of open exhibition in such cases goes to deplete the spiritual power of the deities and people concerned...

Purists in Carnatic music of some earlier generations refused to use mikes for this reason..
Now the major issue of Sabarmala before Apex Court also makes one think a lot..
I am talking about lighting in the Sanctum of temples and not houses... The architecture and positioning left sufficient scope for lighting and ventilation and there are set rules for everything from the material used for making the idol, the structure of the sanctum, the orientation and so on.. the materials to be used for lighting and also occasions when the parts of the contents could be exhibited for better visibility through lamps specifically designed for such purpose.. How you design your house is a different issue..


musings 341

progressively we are giving up our own ways and substituting methods thoroughly not in sync with our traditional practice, in almost all fields of life.. Even in matters like flowers used in pooja, the fibre used for clothes for God or for our poonal..
Somehow we have simply forgotten even the traditional methods of paying respects to Gods when we visit temples or when we meet elders..
The sanctum sanctorum of a temple should never be photographed.. we should not use electric lamps or air cooling systems in the garbhagrihams of God.. we are doing all these..
Yesterday was mamankam.. For example..More thrust is on spreading photographs.. The pontiff of a math whom we are supposed to revere is posing for videos of his ablutions for mamankam... Where is it going to end?

One need be Roman when he is in Rome.

"One need be Roman when he is in Rome..
Manners and etiquette vary from group to group and place to place and perhaps evolve in time too..
But such practices are to be treated as appropriate merely on the basis of the use by majority.
.On that issue, no particular practice is better than any other practice..
If any particular usage is of any tangible benefit to anyone, there is nothing wrong in switching over to the new practices..
Otherwise, sudden switch-overs can bring only laughter in others.."

musings 340

One can choose to enjoy the fragrance of a rose and devour to his hearts content the beauty of its colour..
He can choose to stare hard, discover all the sharp thorns, rub his fingers on them and suffer the pain and bleeding too.
The choice is entirely his.
Every thing created by God contains in itself parts which others can enjoy and cherish..
But the same thing would contain none too pleasant things too.. One can choose the things that pleases him and ignore the unpleasant part..
If one tries to add a lot of salt to Palada Pradhaman, or sugar to sambaar, even that is his choice..
He can live with what he had made for himself..
But it is churlish to blame other for that.

when I joined the Income-tax Department as Inspector in 1977

when I joined the Income-tax Department as Inspector in 1977, the emergency was just over, and the government was the product of the JP movement..
There were strict instructions for us not to be severe to the tax payers.. We were really amused.. Without some sort of threat no one will pay tax in India..
We friends in our Inspectors seats with nothing much to do used to discuss the modalities of tax collection.
A caparisoned elephant, with the commissioner atop will lead a procession. There would be horses trotting with Officers atop in very ceremonial dresses, all wearing the Tiruppathi Namam
There would be Nadaswaram, Thappatta Kottu or Bands accompanying provided we could get the services of the artists free.
A bullock cart will be following and in this there would be big hundial with yellow cloth tied..
The Inspectors and lesser souls would be singing the names of Gods and requesting all to contribute their mite by paying tax by offering their taxes into the hundial.
Govindaa, Govindaa..
NB It is another matter that many of us grew old and grey in the department and occupied higher levels and had to take very tough and unkind decisions in the process of enforcing tax-laws..

The world and life in general is full of uncertainties,, so we have to go by trust

We tend to believe that bad Karmas will not get accumulated on account  things done put of ignorance about  the consequences. if we do things well in matters which are within our cognition..After all things and acts handled consciously shape our attitude and habits.. And we can trust in the mercy of the God too in matters which are beyond our control..
Of course these are theories, reflected in philosophy.. but there are terse philosophies like Sankhya and Nyaya which would state that if you eat a lot of salt you will have to drink water prayer, no entreaties can reduce the severity>
The world and life in general is full of uncertainties,, so we have to go by trust .. God does not get any benefit by our prayers..

Saturday, February 22, 2025

a crow will reamin just a crow and surely will not turn into a royal swan

खलः सत्क्रियमाणोऽपि ददाति कलहं सताम्।
दुग्धधौतोऽपि किं याति वायसः कलहंसताम्॥
सुभाषितरत्नाकरे सुभाषितरत्नभाण्डागारे

khalaḥ satkriyamāṇo'pi dadāti kalahaṁ satām|
dugdhadhauto'pi kiṁ yāti vāyasaḥ kalahaṁsatām||
subhāṣitaratnākare subhāṣitaratnabhāṇḍāgāre
If a fellow is wicked,nasty and crooked by nature, no show of favours, respects and no sort of extending hospitality and godwill are likely to put a check on his behaviur filled with ill-will,hastility and rebellion.. See, a crow will reamin just a crow and surely will not turn into a royal swan even it is given repeated ceremonial baths or ablutions with ltres and literes of milk.

सत्क्रियमाणःeven when received with respect and extended all hospitality with great respect अपि too खलः the nasty,wicked person,सतां to the nice pious persons कलहं quarrel, disturbance,rattling ददाति. give दुग्ध धौतः washed or bathed in pure milk अपि even if काकः the crow कलहंसतां the state and status of roya swan याति किं ? will attain?

Friday, February 21, 2025

Strange are the ways of human mind, and stranger are they in social media..

definitely there are many options.. One can keep quiet.. One can write in plain language that he does not agree or like.. Then the Indian wisdom over the ages should have taught me that one should never give an opinion, unless it is his duty to do so, or he has been asked or persuaded to do so.. But perhaps my vanity, fanned and fomented by social media has made me make such a comment.. Strange are the ways of human mind, and stranger are they in social media..

many situations are open-ended

is there any rule that every discussion should have an end or conclusion.?. Many people travel, not with the destination in view but just for the pleasure of the journey... And as said by the Blessed Lord in Gita.. there are no beginnings or ends and not even stoppage in the middle.. na antho na cha aadhiH na cha sampartishtaa.... The beauty of life is in living it and not seeing purposes for it, and if something get achieved, that is only a bonus..

Thursday, February 20, 2025

परवादे दशवदनः पररन्ध्रनिरीक्षणे सहस्राक्षः


परवादे दशवदनः पररन्ध्रनिरीक्षणे सहस्राक्षः।
सदवृतवित्तहरणे बाहुसहस्रार्जुनो नीचः॥
सुभाषितरत्नाकरे सुभाषितरत्नभाण्डागारे

paravāde daśavadanaḥ pararandhranirīkṣaṇe sahasrākṣaḥ|
sadavṛtavittaharaṇe bāhusahasrārjuno nīcaḥ||
subhāṣitaratnākare subhāṣitaratnabhāṇḍāgāre

In this slokam the nasty and unjust behaviour of lowly people is comapred with the worst role models in their exclusive field of evilactivity.

The ruffian uses foul words and spews out cruel words so loudly and causing so much of hurt as if he is endowed with ten heads and matching mouths just like Ravana of the Ramayana fame. Everyone know how cruel and heartless the demon was. And Ravana met his nemesis too.

In the matter of exploiting the weakness of others, the evil fellow is compared to Indra the leader of Gods. The story of his amorous advances towards Ahalya, the wife of sage Gouthama is famous. He impersonated as the sage and entered his residence while Gautama was away for taking bath, and caused the damage. And through the curse of the sage Indra became thusand-eyed and Ahalya remained as a stone for eons. 

Coming to robbery, the vile floow has his roe model in the housand-handed chieftain Karthaveeryaarjuna. It is well known that this thousand-handed ruffian ransacked the hermitage of Sage Jamadagni, the father of the ferocious sage Parashurama. Of course Karthaveeryarjuna paid the price for his misdeed as he was pnished, divested of his hands and finished off by Pasrashurama.

 The vile felows are like Ravana, Indra and Karthaveerayaajuna packaged together


नीचःthe lowly, evil-minded person परवादे it the matter of talking ill of others, in insulting others दशवदनः is tenheaded( like the notorious demon Ravana) पर रन्ध्र निरीक्षणे in spotting and exploiting the weakness of others सहस्राक्षः he is thousand eyed (like Indra)सद् वृता people of excemplary conduct वित्तहरणे robbing away the wealtha बाहु सहस्रार्जुनः arjuna with thousand hands Karthaveeryaarjua च भवति too become, behave like

The qualities of a Guru.. as per Kulaarnava Tantra...

The qualities of a Guru..
as per Kulaarnava Tantra...
श्रीगुरुः परमेशानि शुद्धवेशो मनोहरः
सर्वलक्षणसम्पन्नो सर्वावयवशोभितः।
अग्रगण्यो गभीरश्च पात्रापात्रविशेषवित्
नित्यनैमित्तिके कार्ये रतः कर्मण्यनिन्दिते।
यदृछालाभसन्तुष्टः गुणदोषविभेदकः
इत्यादि लक्षणोपेतः श्रीगुरुः कथितः प्रिये।
अत्रिनेत्रः शिवः साक्षात् अचतुर्बाहुरच्युतः
अचतुर्वदनो ब्रःमा श्रीगुरुह् कथितःप्रिये
śrīguruḥ parameśāni śuddhaveśo manoharaḥ
sarvalakṣaṇasampanno sarvāvayavaśobhitaḥ|
agragaṇyo gabhīraśca pātrāpātraviśeṣavit
nityanaimittike kārye rataḥ karmaṇyanindite|
yadṛchālābhasantuṣṭaḥ guṇadoṣavibhedakaḥ
ityādi lakṣaṇopetaḥ śrīguruḥ kathitaḥ priye |
atrinetraḥ śivaḥ sākṣāt acaturbāhuracyutaḥ
acaturvadano braḥmā śrīguruh kathitaḥpriye
Kulaarnava tantra is a treatise on worship of deities.. of Hinduism especially Shakta and Shaiva modes.. The definition of Guru fount in that text would appear to deal with the minimum qualifications of a Guru in any mode of life..
Lord Shiva is making this statement to Devi Uma in a conversation
The revered guru
Should be wearing clean clothes and should be living in very clean abode
He should be attractive to the seekers who approach him
He should be endowed with all the great and noble signs prescribed by sciences for a human being
He should be active and dexterous in all his limbs
He should be having the force of personality to be considered as a person to be respected with top most consideration in any assembly
He should have a very forceful carriage and personality.. should carry elegance with him
He should have the discretion to know the deserving and undeserving subjects and objects that comes by his way
He should be engaged in karmas ( Srauta.. smarta.. vedic and procedural) which are prescribe and should be following such karmas in a manner which is faultless and about which no person could find fault.
He should be a person who is not avaricious of gains from teaching and professing knowledge but should be satisfied with whatever benefits that come by his way incidental to his exercised of the avocation of a preceptor
He should be having complete and crystal clear perception about what is good and what is bad..
Further, the greatness of the revered Guru is extolled as follows..
A Guru is as great as Shiva.. but he is not just having three eyes.
A Guru is as great as Vishnu.. but he is not just having four hands
A Guru is as great as Brahma but he is not jut having four heads.
Let us introspect..
How much qualified are we.. and our Gurus..?