श्रीगुरुः परमेशानि शुद्धवेशो मनोहरः
सर्वलक्षणसम्पन्नो सर्वावयवशोभितः।
अग्रगण्यो गभीरश्च पात्रापात्रविशेषवित्
नित्यनैमित्तिके कार्ये रतः कर्मण्यनिन्दिते।
यदृछालाभसन्तुष्टः गुणदोषविभेदकः
इत्यादि लक्षणोपेतः श्रीगुरुः कथितः प्रिये।
अत्रिनेत्रः शिवः साक्षात् अचतुर्बाहुरच्युतः
अचतुर्वदनो ब्रःमा श्रीगुरुह् कथितःप्रिये
śrīguruḥ parameśāni śuddhaveśo manoharaḥ
sarvalakṣaṇasampanno sarvāvayavaśobhitaḥ|
agragaṇyo gabhīraśca pātrāpātraviśeṣavit
nityanaimittike kārye rataḥ karmaṇyanindite|
yadṛchālābhasantuṣṭaḥ guṇadoṣavibhedakaḥ
ityādi lakṣaṇopetaḥ śrīguruḥ kathitaḥ priye |
atrinetraḥ śivaḥ sākṣāt acaturbāhuracyutaḥ
acaturvadano braḥmā śrīguruh kathitaḥpriye
Kulaarnava tantra is a treatise on worship of deities.. of Hinduism especially Shakta and Shaiva modes.. The definition of Guru fount in that text would appear to deal with the minimum qualifications of a Guru in any mode of life..
Lord Shiva is making this statement to Devi Uma in a conversation
The revered guru
Should be wearing clean clothes and should be living in very clean abode
He should be attractive to the seekers who approach him
He should be endowed with all the great and noble signs prescribed by sciences for a human being
He should be active and dexterous in all his limbs
He should be having the force of personality to be considered as a person to be respected with top most consideration in any assembly
He should have a very forceful carriage and personality.. should carry elegance with him
He should have the discretion to know the deserving and undeserving subjects and objects that comes by his way
He should be engaged in karmas ( Srauta.. smarta.. vedic and procedural) which are prescribe and should be following such karmas in a manner which is faultless and about which no person could find fault.
He should be a person who is not avaricious of gains from teaching and professing knowledge but should be satisfied with whatever benefits that come by his way incidental to his exercised of the avocation of a preceptor
He should be having complete and crystal clear perception about what is good and what is bad..
Further, the greatness of the revered Guru is extolled as follows..
A Guru is as great as Shiva.. but he is not just having three eyes.
A Guru is as great as Vishnu.. but he is not just having four hands
A Guru is as great as Brahma but he is not jut having four heads.
Let us introspect..
How much qualified are we.. and our Gurus..?