अस्य दग्धोदरस्यार्थे किं न कुर्वन्ति पण्डिताः।
वानरीमिव वाग्देवीं नर्तयन्ति गृहे गृहे॥
asya dagdhodarasyārthe kiṁ na kurvanti paṇḍitāḥ|
vānarīmiva vāgdevīṁ nartayanti gṛhe gṛhe||
The poet is sad that people just parade their knowledge and even sell such knowledge just to satiate their hunger or to derive material benefits.
He asks.
What will men of letters not do to satisfy their burning hunger?
They are making the Goddess of learning dance at the doorsteps of all and sundry like a female monkey tied to a rope and accompanying her master..
The poets despair is that the knowledge gained is being misued by verbal gimmicks and empty praises for those who would make payments in return..
अस्य दग्धोदरस्य अर्थे for satifying the burning stomach.. to satishy their hunger
पण्डिताः किं न कुर्वन्ति the people who have been educated .. what will they not do/
वानरीं इव Like a female monkey
गृहे गृहे from house to house
वाग्देवीं नर्तयन्ति. make the goddess of letters perform dance.