pachai maamalai pol mene

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

musings 351

The beauty as well as the challenge of life is that no single thing can replace or stand substitute for another thing.
This is true for thoughts, time,space, persons words and so on.
In my own foolish way I have discovered that even what I thought and what I wrote a few moments ago called for repair and replacement..
But alas..that is not within my power.

Advise for correction of faults in life would enrage an idiotic ruffian

प्रायो मूर्खस्य कोपाय सन्मार्गस्योपदेशनम्। विलूननासिकस्येव विशुद्धादर्श दर्शनम्॥ साम्यत्वकौमुदी
prāyo mūrkhasya kopāya sanmārgasyopadeśanam| vilūnanāsikasyeva viśuddhādarśa darśanam|| sāmyatvakaumudī
Advise for correction from faults in life would surely enrage an idiotic ruffian and drive him into tantrums. It is just like a neat plain mirror being shown in front of a person whose nose is cut. The fellow who sees the ugliness seeths with rage, naturally.

Monday, March 10, 2025

salutations to Lord Shiva the protector of our journey

फालावनम्रत् किरीटं फालनेत्रार्चिषादग्ध पञ्चेषुकीटं
शूलाहतारातिकूटं शुद्धमर्धेन्दुचूढं भजे मार्गबन्धुं॥
phālāvanamrat kirīṭaṁ phālanetrārciṣādagdha pañceṣukīṭaṁ śūlāhatārātikūṭaṁ śuddhamardhenducūḍhaṁ bhaje mārgabandhuṁ||
salutations to Lord Shiva the protector of our journey..
journey in the day to day life as well as journey in this life of Karma, Jnana and bhakthi,
Whose crown tips on His forehead.. (or the crowns of those kings and gods who prostrate before him are tipped low on their foreheads),
By the shot of fire from whose third eye that wretch cupid with five arrows was burnt down..(meaning His Grace burns away the feelings of Lust and avarice)
Who with his potent trident smashed to dust the cities of myriads of the demons who opposed Him
who is the embodiment of purity (Shuddha Sattwam)
who has the crescent half moon shining in his matted hair
This is one of the five stanzas of Margabhandu Stotram. penned by Appayya Deekshita. in praise of the Lord of Lords, Shambu the Parameshwara ( no names and epithets are sufficient to identify the infinite being that He is)

musings 350

my posts are just storehouses, and in some instances, showcases for my thoughts..
I understand that most people use social media to exchange pleasantries, nurture friendships, to have some nice merriment and so on..
But I do not require any of these even in small dosages.. So I am rather odd..
But people like me too have to live, is it not?
Of course, there was an initial period of merrymaking, even for a morose person like me in Facebook some eight years ago,, and in orkut almost a dozens years ago..
But I got bored of patting backs and canvassing pats on my back..
( I feel like being sick when I read some people openly canvas "like"s)
Normally I do not tag anyone, and I am even revisiting my posts only because someone would have commented on it.. and ignoring it is equal to being rude..
I am not a friend maker, but then I am not rude either..
These thoughts were triggered when I saw some persons, some of whom I can term even as friends,, were ruminating over the old times, and suggesting reconstructions of the old atmosphere..
I would have loved to be a part of such things, but I have long ago given up wearing multicolored conic cap with a fluffy ball on the top of my head and pasting another ball on the tip of my All

musings 349

My life has been like that always. It is meaningless to feel sad at 71.
Saraswathi was always my benefactor and laksmi and shakthi were not so.
I was within the first 10 in kerala state in 1969 SSLC. I came to know of that much later. No one ever was there to project me. And I did not know how to sell myself. With some polishing I could have been at the top
.Some ten or eleven marks out of six hundred was all that was needed to reach the top ..
In every situation in life that jinx followed me.
Lost Civil services by a whisker again because lack of talent for self projection.
Occupying powerful posts and having highly placed friends never worked to my benefit.
All advantages just vanished at least at the finishing point.
So I have learnt to accept things without complaint.
But I am human.
Fate always gives message through others giving me some encouragement and then just pushes me down very deep at the finale.
It is just my karma
Maybe god is giving the message that I am born here not to be happy.
Why should I challenge him. ?
Why should I feel bitter when for no conceivable reason people just kick me..uninvited?
Perhaps they are the agents of God and fate.
Yes many times when I had the choice to keep quiet or go out of the way to help I chose to help without any expectations except perhaps a friendly nod.
But usually no nods came but disappointment alone came in huge parcels.
Fate is supreme.
Sixty five years or so are gone like this.
Now it is months or a few years more.
This too will pass
In kicking me friends family and enemies were all generous to a fault.
Each tried to better others

The trolls are natural.

The trolls are natural.
And criticism actually is an indicator that what we say has some impact.
But just like a child crying aloud when the mother gives him a pinch or when he trips over and his knee is bleeding slightly the raw injuries make one cry out.
Howeverthe pain has to be absorbed with patience.
To cut off a friend for any reason is as bad as committing a murder.

purity not merely by holy dip

मद्यकुम्भो यदा शुद्धो न स्याद्धौतो सरित्जले।
स्नानेनापि तथा जीवो मिथ्यात्वादिमलीमसः॥४६७४ ईन्दिस्चे स्प्रुचे
madyakumbho yadā śuddho na syāddhauto saritjale|
snānenāpi tathā jīvo mithyātvādimalīmasaḥ||4674 īndisce spruce
The pot filled with hooch will not become pure and sacred merely because it is dipped many times in a sacred brook or flowing waters. In the same way beings will not get relieved of their impurities caused by delusion, and worldly instincts just because they had a detailed bath or ablusion somewhere.

loyal, prompt and matter of fact

मन्त्रः कार्यानुगो येषां कार्यं स्वामिहितानुगम्।
त एव मन्त्रिणो राज्ञां नतु ये गल्लफुल्लनाः॥इन्दिशे स्प्रुचे ४७०१ विक्रमाङ्कचरित
mantraḥ kāryānugo yeṣāṁ kāryaṁ svāmihitānugam|
ta eva mantriṇo rājñāṁ natu ye gallaphullanāḥ||indiśe spruce 4701 vikramāṅkacarita
Persons whose advice on matters of state could be followed up in real time action, and those advices are in the interest of the ruler and the nation, are to be called the ministers of the King or the state, not the fellows who talk their heads off and exercise their vocal chords continuously but with no effective action.

Sunday, March 09, 2025

test of sincerity


मित्राणि तानि विधुरेषु भवन्ति यानि
ते पण्डिता जगति ये पुरुषान्तरज्ञाः।
त्यागी च यः कृशधनोऽपि हि संविभागी
कार्यं विना भवति यः परोपकारी॥४८६३

mitrāṇi tāni vidhureṣu bhavanti yāni
te paṇḍitā jagati ye puruṣāntarajñāḥ|
tyāgī ca yaḥ kṛṣadhano'pi hi saṁvibhāgī
kāryaṁ vinā bhavati yaḥ paropakārī||4863 Indiche spruce

The real friends are those who remain as friends when we are in great difficulty, when we are going through testing times
The real learned men are those who can easily understand the inner feelings and could divine the thought process of other men
The real sacrifice is when a person is ready to share with others whatever he has even when he is facing serious financial constraints.
The real philanthropist is the one who gladly serves others without any selfish motives, with no personal axes to grind.


the minds remain clean if we polish it by continued education,


मार्ज्यमाणो सदा यद्वद्दर्पणो निर्मलो भवेत्। 
ज्ञानाभ्यासात्तथा पुंसां बुद्धिर्भवति निर्मला॥ 
४८३९ ईन्दिचे स्प्रुचे

mārjyamāṇo sadā yadvaddarpaṇo nirmalo bhavet|
 jñānābhyāsāttathā puṁsāṁ buddhirbhavati nirmalā|| 
4839 īndice spruce

The surface of a mirror remains blemish-less and clean if cleaned periodically and repeatedly. Similarly, the minds of humans would remain clean if we fortify and polish it by continued education, training and practice.

Saturday, March 08, 2025

यत्र राजा स्वयं चौरः सामात्यः सपुरोहितः

यत्र राजा स्वयं चौरः सामात्यः सपुरोहितः।
तत्राहं किं करिष्यामि यथा राजा तथा प्रजाः॥५०६९ ईन्दिचे ष्प्रुचे
yatra rājā svayaṁ cauraḥ sāmātyaḥ sapurohitaḥ|
tatrāhaṁ kiṁ kariṣyāmi yathā rājā tathā prajāḥ||5069 īndice ṣpruce
What is that I can do, how can I survive in a place
Where the king himself is a thief and he is assisted by a minister and a priest who too do not lag behind in their efficiency as thieves and pilferers.
Like king, like citizens..

unrighteous and improper is presented and apporved as right and proper,

यत्र धर्मो ह्यधर्मेण सत्यं यत्रानृणेन च।हन्यते प्रेक्षमाणानां हतास्तत्र सभासदः॥५०६० 
मनुस्मृत्याम् अष्ठमे अध्याये
yatra dharmo hyadharmeṇa satyaṁ yatrānṛṇena ca|
hanyate prekṣamāṇānāṁ hatāstatra sabhāsadaḥ||5060 manusmṛtyām aṣṭhame adhyāye
If in an assembly what is unrighteous and improper is presented and apporved as right and proper, and gross falsehood or untruth is accepted as gosepel truth, then the state of the courtiers who participated is not much better than dead persons.. anyway the members have been rendered completely ineffective.

the Goddess of learning dance at the doorsteps of all and sundry like monkey accompanying her master.

अस्य दग्धोदरस्यार्थे किं न कुर्वन्ति पण्डिताः।
वानरीमिव वाग्देवीं नर्तयन्ति गृहे गृहे॥
asya dagdhodarasyārthe kiṁ na kurvanti paṇḍitāḥ|
vānarīmiva vāgdevīṁ nartayanti gṛhe gṛhe||
The poet is sad that people just parade their knowledge and even sell such knowledge just to satiate their hunger or to derive material benefits.
He asks.
What will men of letters not do to satisfy their burning hunger?
They are making the Goddess of learning dance at the doorsteps of all and sundry like a female monkey tied to a rope and accompanying her master..
The poets despair is that the knowledge gained is being misued by verbal gimmicks and empty praises for those who would make payments in return..
अस्य दग्धोदरस्य अर्थे for satifying the burning stomach.. to satishy their hunger
पण्डिताः किं न कुर्वन्ति the people who have been educated .. what will they not do/
वानरीं इव Like a female monkey
गृहे गृहे from house to house
वाग्देवीं नर्तयन्ति. make the goddess of letters perform dance.

Friday, March 07, 2025

musings 348

Sorry, when people just appropriate others' work without giving credit, and when it comes from friends, I am getting upset beyond limits..
I cannot just understand why people do that. it is just like any other mode of theft.. and such action can be proceeded against under copyright regulations.
I was pointing it out and now some friends are going to the extent of telling me that I have to live and let live..
Sure I do not live on such appropriations...
So I do not think of taking advice form anyone on how to live on such thefts..
And, sure, my estimation of such persons reach abysmally low levels when such things are repeated, and even attempts are made to justify..
I think my estimation of a person need not matter much to him..
But then such persons matter too little for me too..
I have decided not to read the posts from such friends from now onward.. even if some of them are fairly original. once in a while .
I have to do justice to my mind, my conscience, and have peace of mind..
What else to do..
If someone is going to unfriend me for this, please go ahead and do it immediately and without any delay..
If some goody goody admin of some goody goody group is going to expel me for this, I just do not care..

detachment is the real comfort


अर्थी करोति दैन्यं लब्धार्थो गर्वमपरितोषं च।
नष्टधनोऽस्ति सशोकः सुखमास्ते निःस्पृहः पुरुषः॥
जैन सुभाषितम् म्हासुभाषितसग्रहे ३००६

arthī karoti dainyaṁ labdhārtho garvamaparitoṣaṁ ca|
naṣṭadhano'sti saśokaḥ sukhamāste niḥspṛhaḥ puruṣaḥ||
jaina subhāṣitam mhāsubhāṣitasagrahe 3006

The man who is short of cash would be running around fretully seekig ways to to have some money. The pursuit would carry him around confronting him and exposing him to many situations filled with difficulties and miseries.

The same gentleman would go overboard with arrogance, pride and vanity when some cash fills his coffers. He would flaunt his affluence unabashedly.

And when the mney earned is exhausted or lost, either throguh spening or through robbery or any other manner, his sorrow breaches all baarriers and his meserabbe cries echo in all directions.

All the while, the balanced person who is satisfied with what he has and what comes by hs way without his seeking for it, remains happy for ever, He does not celbrate any gain. Nor does he bother much about what is lost.


अर्थी the one who is in desperate search for money दैन्यं करोति ever remains miserable लब्ध अर्थः one who has acquired ore earned some money गर्व arrogance परितोषं unreasoonable, limitless jubilation कुरुते does नष्टधनः,one who loses money सशोकः is sulking a d weeping miserablyअस्ति is निः स्पृहः the one who is detached पुरुषः personसुखं आस्ते is sitting happily without any care or bother

It is the honour of the captain to go down with the ship

There are some situations in life which there is no other way than to endure them..!

Yes, You have to face the challenging situations, tackle them, confront them, defeat them if you can, or travel with them silently till you have gained some strength to tacke them. Anyway adversities have to be overcome, else we would sink with them. Just think of sinking ships of old. It is the honour of the captain to go down with the ship

Thursday, March 06, 2025

is it not better to be a moon than a sun?

Being honest and forthright makes one blunt and prevent him from being humble.
It is a major issue.
We know the sun is our greatest benefactor. But he is get hot and a direct exposure to him can hurt too even though he never intends any harm.
But by no means he is humble. He cannot even afford to be humble
The moon is just an impostor just reflecting the rays of the sun. But he is called the source of amrutha or ambrosia..and he is loved by all when in agony as well as in ecstasy. A case of deceptive appearance with no utility. The sobsister story of periodic waxing and waning also makes him a tragic hero appealing to our softer sentiments. But the moon is mild, humble and so humble although he is not much of real help to anyone.
But then the mild dandy that is the moon wins the hearts.
So is it not better to be a moon than a sun?

nobility cannot come by make up or show of wealth..

काकस्य गात्रं यदि काञ्चनस्य माणिक्यरत्नं यदि चञ्चुदेशे।
एकैकपक्षे ग्रथितं मणीनां तथापि काको न तु राजहंसः॥
kākasya gātraṁ yadi kāñcanasya māṇikyaratnaṁ yadi cañcudeśe|
ekaikapakṣe grathitaṁ maṇīnāṁ tathāpi kāko na tu rājahaṁsaḥ||
Even if the body of a crow is made of gold,
even if his beaks ares studded with rubies and gems,
even if each of his wings is adorned with ornamental droppings of precious stones,
still he is just a crow.
Just because of the precious ornamentation he will not become a Royal Swan..
The subhashitakaara underlines the importance of the inherent nobility.. and stresses that such nobility cannot come by make up or show of wealth..
(यद्यपि even though) काकस्य गात्रं काञ्चनस्य (भवति). the bdoy of a crow is made of gold
. (यद्यपि तस्य) चञ्चुदेशे माणिक्य रत्नं( वर्तते ) even if the area around his beaks are adorned with gems and rubies
, (यद्यपि तस्य) एकैकपक्षे मणीनां ग्रथितं ( अस्ति), even though each of his wings is decorated with droppings of jewels and gems
तथा अपि सः काक (एव.).still he is only a crow
सः न तु राजहंसः he is not a royal swan..

pranams k v ananthanarayanan

if your mind and spirit are impure and are contaminated

यदि वहसि दण्डं नग्नमुण्डं जटं वा
यदि वहसि गुहायां वृक्षमूले शिलायाम्।
यदि पठसिपुराणं वेदसिद्धान्ततत्त्वं
यदि हृदयमशुद्धं सर्वमेतन्न किञ्चित्॥
yadi vahasi daṇḍaṁ nagnamuṇḍaṁ jaṭaṁ vā
yadi vahasi guhāyāṁ vṛkṣamūle śilāyām|
yadi paṭhasipurāṇaṁ vedasiddhāntatattvaṁ
yadi hṛdayamaśuddhaṁ sarvametanna kiñcit||
Is it really of great importance or would it give some exalted spiritual status to you
If you merely carry the Danda or the insignia staff signifying that you are a renunciate or sannyaasin
If you wander all around wearing matted hair and exhibiting a naked body
If you shift your residence to a cave in the jungle, if you select the shadow of a tree as your permanent abode or if you occupy the top of a barren rock as your rendezvous
If you study Puranas, Vedas, Siddhantaas and try to expound their content to the wide audience,
And your mind and spirit are impure and are contaminated or even defiled by base propensities and unfair desires ?

Wednesday, March 05, 2025

यद्दिनं हरिसंलाप कथापीयूषवर्जितम्

यद्दिनं हरिसंलाप कथापीयूषवर्जितम्।
तद्दिनं दुर्दिनं मन्ये मेघाच्छन्नं च दुर्दिनम्॥ प्रसङ्गाभरणे॥
yaddinaṁ harisaṁlāpa kathāpīyūṣavarjitam|
taddinaṁ durdinaṁ manye meghācchannaṁ ca durdinam|| prasaṅgābharaṇe||
A day which passes without our enjoying the nectar in the shape of hearty conversation about the glory of Lord Hari the Krishna is a very bad day. A day where the sky is overcast and filled with clouds too can be called a bad day.